Brian Hyland
Let Me Belong To You

Rosemary, Rosemary, please take my hand
And walk with me through Lover's Land
Rosemary, Rosemary, by stars above
I vow right now, you'll have my love

You are like an angel dressed in white, so heavenly
You can answer all my prayers tonight by loving me
Rosemary, Rosemary, please say you're mine
So I can love you all the time

Mirror lyrics:

So I can love you all the time
Rosemary, Rosemary, please say you're mine
You can answer all my prayers tonight by loving me
You are like an angel dressed in white, so heavenly

I vow right now, you'll have my love
Rosemary, Rosemary, by stars above
And walk with me through Lover's Land
Rosemary, Rosemary, please take my hand

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe BBelong TTo YYou et e elong o ou eLt eM eBlong oT oYu ket je velong fo gou kLet jMe vBelong fTo gYou Lket Mje Bvelong Tfo Ygou
oet ke gelong 5o hou oLet kMe gBelong 5To hYou Loet Mke Bgelong T5o Yhou pet ne nelong ho 6ou pLet nMe nBelong hTo 6You Lpet Mne Bnelong Tho Y6ou
Leet Mee helong yo uou Lt M hBelong yTo uYou Lte Me Bhelong Tyo Yuou Lst Ms Beelong 6o 7ou Lset Mse Blong 6To 7You Lest Mes Bleong T6o Y7ou
L3t M3 Bslong go jou L3et M3e Bselong gTo jYou Le3t Me3 Beslong Tgo Yjou Lft Mf B3long ro tou Lfet Mfe B3elong rTo tYou Left Mef Be3long Tro Ytou
Lrt Mr Bflong Too Yoou Lret Mre Bfelong T Yu Lert Mer Beflong To Yuo L4t M4 Brlong Tk Yku L4et M4e Brelong Tko Ykou Le4t Me4 Berlong Tok Yoku
Ldt Md B4long T9 Y9u Ldet Mde B4elong T9o Y9ou Ledt Med Be4long To9 Yo9u Lwt Mw Bdlong T0 Y0u Lwet Mwe Bdelong T0o Y0ou Lewt Mew Bedlong To0 Yo0u
Lett Bwlong Tl Ylu Le Bwelong Tlo Ylou Let Bewlong Tol Yolu Lef Bellong Ti Yiu Beong Tio Yiou Letf Beolng Toi Yoiu
Le5 Bekong Youu Le5t Beklong Yo Let5 Belkong You Leh Beoong Yoh Leht Beolong Yohu Leth Beloong Youh
Ley Bepong Yo7 Leyt Beplong Yo7u

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