Brian Hyland
Sealed With A Kiss

Though we gotta say good-bye
For the summer
Darling, I promise you this
I'll send you all my love
Every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss

Guess it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer
But I'll fill the emptiness
I'll send you all my dreams
Every day in a letter
Sealed with a kiss

I'll see you in the sunlight
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll run to tenderly hold you
But, Darlin' you won't be there

I don't wanna say good-bye
For the summer
Knowing the love we'll miss
Oh, Let us make a pledge
To meet in September
And seal it with a kiss


Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss

Mirror lyrics:

Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss
Sealed with a kiss


And seal it with a kiss
To meet in September
Oh, Let us make a pledge
Knowing the love we'll miss
For the summer
I don't wanna say good-bye

But, Darlin' you won't be there
I'll run to tenderly hold you
I'll hear your voice everywhere
I'll see you in the sunlight

Sealed with a kiss
Every day in a letter
I'll send you all my dreams
But I'll fill the emptiness
Guess it's gonna be a cold, lonely summer

Sealed with a kiss
Every day in a letter
I'll send you all my love
Darling, I promise you this
For the summer
Though we gotta say good-bye

Relevant Tags:
SSealed WWith AA KKiss ealed ith iss eSaled iWth A iKss zealed aith z liss zSealed aWith zA lKiss Szealed Waith Az Kliss
wealed 3ith q oiss wSealed 3With qA oKiss Swealed W3ith Aq Koiss dealed dith s miss dSealed dWith sA mKiss Sdealed Wdith As Kmiss
eealed eith w jiss eSealed eWith wA jKiss Seealed Weith Aw Kjiss xealed sith x iiss xSealed sWith xA iKiss Sxealed Wsith Ax Kiiss
aealed 2ith aSealed 2With Kss Saealed W2ith Ksis qith Kjss Saled qWith Saeled Wqith Kijss
Ssaled Wiith K9ss Ssealed Wth K9iss Sesaled Wtih Ki9ss S3aled Wjth Klss S3ealed Wjith Se3aled Wijth Kilss
Sfaled W9th Koss Sfealed W9ith Sefaled Wi9th Kioss Sraled Wlth Kkss Srealed Wlith Kkiss Seraled Wilth Kikss
S4aled Woth K8ss S4ealed Woith K8iss Se4aled Wioth Ki8ss Sdaled Wkth Kuss Wkith Kuiss Sedaled Wikth Kiuss
Swaled W8th Kisss W8ith Kis Sewaled Wi8th Kiss Seaaled Wuth Kizs Seled Wuith Kizss Selaed Wiuth Kiszs
Sezled Witth Kiws Sezaled Wih Kiwss Seazled Wiht Kisws Seqled Wifh Kids Seqaled Wifth Kidss Seaqled Witfh Kisds
Sesled Wi5h Kies

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