Brian Doerksen
Come, Now Is The Time To Worship

Come, now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to give your heart
Come, just as you are to worship
Come, just as you are before your God

One day every tongue will confess You are God
One day every knee will bow
Still the greatest treasure remains for those
Who gladly choose You now

Mirror lyrics:

Who gladly choose You now
Still the greatest treasure remains for those
One day every knee will bow
One day every tongue will confess You are God

Come, just as you are before your God
Come, just as you are to worship
Come, now is the time to give your heart
Come, now is the time to worship

Relevant Tags:
CCome, NNow IIs TThe TTime TTo WWorship ome, ow s he ime o orship oCme, oNw sI hTe iTme oT oWrship fome, mow js fhe fime fo aorship fCome, mNow jIs fThe fTime fTo aWorship
Cfome, Nmow Ijs Tfhe Tfime Tfo Waorship xome, how 9s 5he 5ime 5o 3orship xCome, hNow 9Is 5The 5Time 5To 3Worship Cxome, Nhow I9s T5he T5ime T5o W3orship vome, jow ls hhe hime ho dorship
vCome, jNow lIs hThe hTime hTo dWorship Cvome, Njow Ils Thhe Thime Tho Wdorship dome, bow os yhe yime yo eorship dCome, bNow oIs yThe yTime yTo eWorship Cdome, Nbow Ios Tyhe Tyime Tyo Weorship
Coome, Noow ks 6he 6ime 6o sorship Cme, Nw kIs 6The 6Time 6To sWorship Cmoe, Nwo Iks T6he T6ime T6o Wsorship Ckme, Nkw 8s ghe gime go 2orship Ckome, Nkow 8Is gThe gTime gTo 2Worship
Cokme, Nokw I8s Tghe Tgime Tgo W2orship C9me, N9w us rhe rime ro qorship C9ome, N9ow uIs rThe rTime rTo qWorship Co9me, No9w Ius Trhe Trime Tro Wqorship C0me, N0w Iss Tiime Too Woorship
C0ome, N0ow I Te Tme T Wrship Co0me, No0w Is Teh Tmie To Wroship Clme, Nlw Iz Tje Tjme Tk Wkrship Clome, Nlow Izs Tjhe Tjime Tko Wkorship Colme, Nolw Isz Thje Tijme Tok Wokrship
Cime, Niw Iw Tue T9me T9 W9rship Ciome, Niow Iws Tuhe T9ime T9o W9orship Coime, Noiw Isw Thue Ti9me To9 Wo9rship Comme, Noww Id Tne Tlme T0 W0rship Coe, No Ids Tnhe Tlime T0o W0orship
Coem, Now Isd Thne Tilme To0 Wo0rship Coje, Noa Ie Tbe Tome Tl Wlrship Cojme, Noaw Ies Tbhe Toime Tlo Wlorship Comje, Nowa Ise Thbe Tiome Tol Wolrship Coke, No3 Ix Tge Tkme Ti Wirship
No3w Ixs Tkime Tio Wiorship Comke, Now3 Isx Thge Tikme Toi Woirship Cone, Nod Ia Tye T8me Worrship Conme, Nodw Ias T8ime Woship Comne, Nowd Isa Thye Ti8me Wosrhip
Comee, Noe Thee Tume Wodship Com, Noew Th Tuime Wodrship Com,e Nowe The Tiume Wordship Coms, Nos Ths Timme Wo4ship Comse, Nosw Thse Tie Wo4rship
Comes, Nows Thes Tiem Wor4ship Com3, No2 Th3 Tije Wogship Com3e, No2w Th3e Wogrship Come3, Now2 The3 Timje Worgship Comf, Noq Thf Tike Wotship
Comfe, Noqw Thfe Wotrship Comef, Nowq Thef Timke Wortship Comr, Thr Tine Wo5ship Comre, Thre Tinme Wo5rship Comer, Ther Timne Wor5ship
Com4, Th4 Timee Wofship Com4e, Th4e Tim Wofrship Come4, The4 Time Worfship Comd, Thd Tims Woeship Comde, Thde Timse Woership
Comed, Thed Times Woreship Comw, Thw Tim3 Worsship Comwe, Thwe Tim3e Worhip Comew, Thew Time3 Worhsip

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