Brian Mcknight
Your Like A Dream Come True

Its undenible that we should Be together,
Its unbeliveible how i use to say that i found that gurl,
The pecies dont even no if u dont no Just how i feel ,
Then let me show You Now thati'm for real,
If all things in time i will revle Yeah uhh
1 your like a dream come true
2 just wanna be with you
3 gurl its plain to see that your the only one for me and
4 repeat steps 1 through 3 ,
5. make you fall in love with me
If ever belive my work is done then i start Back at 1 ...yeah eh yeah
Its so0o0on Incredible the way things work themselfs out.
And all Emoitonall once u no what its all about...... hey ....
and Undesirible for us to Be a part .... I never would have made it very far...
But u no u got the keys to my heart......
1 your like a dream come true
2 just wanan be with you
3 gurl its plain to see that ur the only one for me and...
4 repeat steps 1 through 3
5 make you fall in love with me
If ever i belive My work is done So0o i start back at one
Say fare well To the Good night i see the i see the climate of the sun
I feel like a little child that Life has Just begun U came and brung this life
in to this lonly heart of mine .....You threw out the life line Just in the nick of time...
1 ur like a dream come true
2 just wanan be with you
3 gurl its plain to see that ur the only one for me and...
4 repeat step one through 3
5 make you fall in love with me
If ever i belive my work is done then i start back at one ..........

..........................The end ..................................

Mirror lyrics:

..........................The end ..................................

If ever i belive my work is done then i start back at one ..........
5 make you fall in love with me
4 repeat step one through 3
3 gurl its plain to see that ur the only one for me and...
2 just wanan be with you
1 ur like a dream come true
in to this lonly heart of mine .....You threw out the life line Just in the nick of time...
I feel like a little child that Life has Just begun U came and brung this life
Say fare well To the Good night i see the i see the climate of the sun
If ever i belive My work is done So0o i start back at one
5 make you fall in love with me
4 repeat steps 1 through 3
3 gurl its plain to see that ur the only one for me and...
2 just wanan be with you
1 your like a dream come true
But u no u got the keys to my heart......
and Undesirible for us to Be a part .... I never would have made it very far...
And all Emoitonall once u no what its all about...... hey ....
Its so0o0on Incredible the way things work themselfs out.
If ever belive my work is done then i start Back at 1 ...yeah eh yeah
5. make you fall in love with me
4 repeat steps 1 through 3 ,
3 gurl its plain to see that your the only one for me and
2 just wanna be with you
1 your like a dream come true
If all things in time i will revle Yeah uhh
Then let me show You Now thati'm for real,
The pecies dont even no if u dont no Just how i feel ,
Its unbeliveible how i use to say that i found that gurl,
Its undenible that we should Be together,

Relevant Tags:
YYour LLike AA DDream CCome TTrue our ike ream ome rue oYur iLke A rDeam oCme rTue gour kike z xream fome frue gYour kLike zA xDream fCome fTrue
Ygour Lkike Az Dxream Cfome Tfrue hour oike q eream xome 5rue hYour oLike qA eDream xCome 5True Yhour Loike Aq Deream Cxome T5rue 6our pike s fream vome hrue
6Your pLike sA fDream vCome hTrue Y6our Lpike As Dfream Cvome Thrue uour Liike w rream dome yrue uYour Lke wA rDream dCome yTrue Yuour Lkie Aw Drream Cdome Tyrue
7our Ljke x cream Coome 6rue 7Your Ljike xA cDream Cme 6True Y7our Lijke Ax Dcream Cmoe T6rue jour L9ke sream Ckme grue jYour L9ike sDream Ckome gTrue
Yjour Li9ke Dsream Cokme Tgrue tour Llke C9me rrue tYour Llike Deam C9ome rTrue Ytour Lilke Deram Co9me Trrue Yoour Loke Ddeam C0me
Yur Ddream C0ome Tue Yuor Lioke Drdeam Co0me Ture Ykur Lkke D4eam Clme Tdue Ykour D4ream Clome Tdrue Yokur Likke Dr4eam Colme Trdue
Y9ur L8ke Dgeam Cime T4ue Y9our L8ike Dgream Ciome T4rue Yo9ur Li8ke Drgeam Coime Tr4ue Y0ur Luke Dteam Comme Tgue Y0our Luike Dtream Coe
Yo0ur Liuke Drteam Coem Trgue Ylur D5eam Coje Ttue Ylour Lie D5ream Cojme Ttrue Yolur Liek Dr5eam Comje Trtue Yiur Lile Dfeam Coke T5ue
Yiour Yoiur Likle Drfeam Comke Tr5ue Youur Lioe Deeam Cone Tfue Yor Conme Yoru Likoe Dreeam Comne Trfue
Yohr Lime Comee Teue

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