You're My Favorite

Of all the extras you're my favorite stand-in
When no one else is around, there's always you
And I don't care that you're older than my mother
'Cause I don't wanna hang out with those teenage freaks

You're always my second choice
Easily amused my friend

You're not that nice but I'm not really bothered
When I feel ugly I just look at you
I just want somebody I can pester
When I have no better things to do

You're always my second choice
Easily amused my friend

Of all the extras you're my favorite stand-in
When no one else is around, there's always you
And I don't care that you're older than my mother
Cause I don't wanna hang out with those teenage freaks

You're always my second choice
Easily amused my friend

Mirror lyrics:

Easily amused my friend
You're always my second choice

Cause I don't wanna hang out with those teenage freaks
And I don't care that you're older than my mother
When no one else is around, there's always you
Of all the extras you're my favorite stand-in

Easily amused my friend
You're always my second choice

When I have no better things to do
I just want somebody I can pester
When I feel ugly I just look at you
You're not that nice but I'm not really bothered

Easily amused my friend
You're always my second choice

'Cause I don't wanna hang out with those teenage freaks
And I don't care that you're older than my mother
When no one else is around, there's always you
Of all the extras you're my favorite stand-in

Relevant Tags:
YYou're MMy FFavorite ou're y avorite oYu're yM aFvorite gou're jy cavorite gYou're jMy cFavorite Ygou're Mjy Fcavorite
hou're ky ravorite hYou're kMy rFavorite Yhou're Mky Fravorite 6ou're ny gavorite 6You're nMy gFavorite Y6ou're Mny Fgavorite
uou're Myy tavorite uYou're M tFavorite Yuou're My Ftavorite 7ou're Mg vavorite 7You're Mgy vFavorite Y7ou're Myg Fvavorite
jou're Mh davorite jYou're Mhy dFavorite Yjou're Myh Fdavorite tou're M6 Faavorite tYou're M6y Fvorite Ytou're My6 Fvaorite
Yoou're Mu Fzvorite Yu're Muy Fzavorite Yuo're Myu Fazvorite Yku're M7 Fqvorite Ykou're M7y Fqavorite Yoku're My7 Faqvorite
Y9u're Mj Fsvorite Y9ou're Fsavorite Yo9u're Myj Fasvorite Y0u're Mt Fwvorite Y0ou're Mty Fwavorite Yo0u're Myt Fawvorite
Ylu're Fxvorite Ylou're Fxavorite Yolu're Faxvorite Yiu're Favvorite Yiou're Faorite Yoiu're Faovrite
Youu're Faborite Yo're Fabvorite Yo'ure Favborite Yoh're Facorite Yohu're Facvorite Youh're Favcorite
Yo7're Fagorite Yo7u're Fagvorite You7're Favgorite Yok're Faforite Fafvorite Youk're Favforite
Yoi're Favoorite Favrite Youi're Favroite Yo8're Favkrite Yo8u're Favkorite You8're Favokrite
Yoj're Fav9rite Yoju're Fav9orite Youj're Favo9rite Yoy're Fav0rite Yoyu're Fav0orite Youy're Favo0rite
You''re Favlrite Youre Favlorite Your'e Favolrite You'rre Favirite You'e Faviorite You'er Favoirite
You'de Favorrite You'dre Favoite You'rde Favoirte You'4e Favodite You'4re Favodrite You'r4e Favordite
You'ge Favo4ite You'gre Favo4rite You'rge Favor4ite You'te Favogite You'tre Favogrite

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