Caedmon's Call
Petrified Heart

This old heart's been left
Upon on my sleeve
And I have paid as it's been rent
Into pieces

Seems everyone I've loved has
Taken a bit of my insides
I'm scattered as the woman whose body
Was torn for the twelve tribes

When did my heart get so petrified
When did it get so hard to feel
When did my heart get so afraid to love
When did it get so hard

And the easy-living Gnostic proud
Use their knowledge
Like a wreking ball to tear me down
Flooding me with their fallacies
I can't walk on this water
I'm starting to drown

Strike this rock with your rod
I'll take the blows
Till Your living water begins to flow
As it flowed from the Man of Sorrows' side
On that day when His body
Was torn for the twelve tribes

Mirror lyrics:

Was torn for the twelve tribes
On that day when His body
As it flowed from the Man of Sorrows' side
Till Your living water begins to flow
I'll take the blows
Strike this rock with your rod

I'm starting to drown
I can't walk on this water
Flooding me with their fallacies
Like a wreking ball to tear me down
Use their knowledge
And the easy-living Gnostic proud

When did it get so hard
When did my heart get so afraid to love
When did it get so hard to feel
When did my heart get so petrified

Was torn for the twelve tribes
I'm scattered as the woman whose body
Taken a bit of my insides
Seems everyone I've loved has

Into pieces
And I have paid as it's been rent
Upon on my sleeve
This old heart's been left

Relevant Tags:
PPetrified HHeart etrified eart ePtrified eHart 0etrified jeart 0Petrified jHeart P0etrified Hjeart letrified ueart
lPetrified uHeart Pletrified Hueart oetrified neart oPetrified nHeart Poetrified Hneart Peetrified beart Ptrified bHeart
Pterified Hbeart Pstrified geart Psetrified gHeart Pestrified Hgeart P3trified yeart P3etrified yHeart Pe3trified Hyeart
Pftrified Heeart Pfetrified Hart Peftrified Haert Prtrified Hsart Pretrified Hseart Pertrified Hesart P4trified H3art
P4etrified H3eart Pe4trified He3art Pdtrified Hfart Pdetrified Hfeart Pedtrified Hefart Pwtrified Hrart Pwetrified Hreart
Pewtrified Herart Pettrified H4art Perified H4eart Pertified He4art Pefrified Hdart Hdeart Petfrified Hedart
Pe5rified Hwart Pe5trified Hweart Pet5rified Hewart Pehrified Heaart Pehtrified Hert Pethrified Herat Peyrified Hezrt
Peytrified Hezart Petyrified Heazrt Pe6rified Heqrt Pe6trified Heqart Pet6rified Heaqrt Pegrified Hesrt Pegtrified
Petgrified Heasrt Perrified Hewrt Petrrified Heawrt Hexrt Petified Hexart Petirfied Heaxrt Petdified Hearrt
Petdrified Heat Petrdified Heatr Pet4ified Headt Pet4rified Headrt Petr4ified Heardt Petgified Hea4t Hea4rt
Petrgified Hear4t Pettified Heagt Heagrt Petrtified Heargt Pet5ified Heatt Heatrt Petr5ified Heartt
Petfified Hea5t Hea5rt Petrfified Hear5t Peteified Heaft Peterified Heafrt Petreified Hearft Petriified Heaet
Petrfied Heaert Petrfiied Hearet Petrjfied Petrjified Hear Petrijfied Heart Petr9fied Hearf Petr9ified
Petri9fied Heartf

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