Remote Romance

There's too much static
Ooh your signal's fading
Down goes my rating
Ooh your signal's fading

Remote - remote
Romance - romance

Rush-button passion
I won't repeat it
I won't repeat it
I won't repeat (ha ha ha)

Wait a minute
Wait a minute but...

It's just a sequence
It makes no real sense
It's just a sequence
It makes no real sense

It's automatic
There's too much statix
Can't get no feed-back
I'm on the wrong track

Wait a minute
It don't make a lot of sense
Just a sequence
It makes no real sense

Mirror lyrics:

It makes no real sense
Just a sequence
It don't make a lot of sense
Wait a minute

I'm on the wrong track
Can't get no feed-back
There's too much statix
It's automatic

It makes no real sense
It's just a sequence
It makes no real sense
It's just a sequence

Wait a minute but...
Wait a minute

I won't repeat (ha ha ha)
I won't repeat it
I won't repeat it
Rush-button passion

Romance - romance
Remote - remote

Ooh your signal's fading
Down goes my rating
Ooh your signal's fading
There's too much static

Relevant Tags:
RRemote RRomance emote omance eRmote oRmance demote domance dRemote dRomance Rdemote Rdomance 4emote 4omance 4Remote 4Romance
R4emote R4omance gemote gomance gRemote gRomance Rgemote Rgomance temote tomance tRemote tRomance Rtemote Rtomance 5emote 5omance
5Remote 5Romance R5emote R5omance femote fomance fRemote fRomance Rfemote Rfomance eemote eomance eRemote eRomance Reemote Reomance
Roomance Rmote Rmance Rmeote Rmoance Rsmote Rkmance Rsemote Rkomance Resmote Rokmance R3mote R9mance R3emote R9omance
Re3mote Ro9mance Rfmote R0mance R0omance Refmote Ro0mance Rrmote Rlmance Rremote Rlomance Rermote Rolmance R4mote Rimance
Riomance Re4mote Roimance Rdmote Rommance Roance Redmote Roamnce Rwmote Rojance Rwemote Rojmance Rewmote Romjance
Remmote Rokance Reote Reomte Romkance Rejote Ronance Rejmote Ronmance Remjote Romnance Rekote Romaance Rekmote Romnce
Remkote Romnace Renote Romznce Renmote Romzance Remnote Romaznce Remoote Romqnce Remte Romqance

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