Callenish Circle
Mirror Of Serenity

I am staring in glass
I see someone that is standing
Who looks a lot like me

Staring in glass, I see someone
Standing who looks a lot but is not me
Just my split identity

The paradise throws me on ice
And I awake with a scream

Can't you see the light, can't you see the time
That is cutting open my sorrowfull eyes

And I am a person who doesn't bleed
from a thousand wounds
I have finally overwon my life
With me go content and moral
and disappear forever
I have finally overwon life

The road I walk is grey
Without reflections, full of delusions
And I don't know where I should go

In the mirror I see my infinity
My crying infinity

I am staring in glass
I am standing alone

And I am a person who doesn't
bleed from a thousands wounds
I have finally overwon my life
With me go content and moral
and disappear forever
I have finally overwon life

Right before me I see my solemn eyes
Looking in the mirror of serenity
They are shining so mysterious
and wide
Even already resigned,
almost immovably

In the mirror I see my infinity
My crying infinity

Mirror lyrics:

My crying infinity
In the mirror I see my infinity

almost immovably
Even already resigned,
and wide
They are shining so mysterious
Looking in the mirror of serenity
Right before me I see my solemn eyes

I have finally overwon life
and disappear forever
With me go content and moral
I have finally overwon my life
bleed from a thousands wounds
And I am a person who doesn't

I am standing alone
I am staring in glass

My crying infinity
In the mirror I see my infinity

And I don't know where I should go
Without reflections, full of delusions
The road I walk is grey

I have finally overwon life
and disappear forever
With me go content and moral
I have finally overwon my life
from a thousand wounds
And I am a person who doesn't bleed

That is cutting open my sorrowfull eyes
Can't you see the light, can't you see the time

And I awake with a scream
The paradise throws me on ice

Just my split identity
Standing who looks a lot but is not me
Staring in glass, I see someone

Who looks a lot like me
I see someone that is standing
I am staring in glass

Relevant Tags:
MMirror OOf SSerenity irror f erenity iMrror fO eSrenity jirror kf zerenity jMirror kOf zSerenity Mjirror Okf Szerenity
kirror 9f werenity kMirror 9Of wSerenity Mkirror O9f Swerenity nirror 0f derenity nMirror 0Of dSerenity Mnirror O0f Sderenity
Miirror lf eerenity Mrror lOf eSerenity Mriror Olf Seerenity Mjrror if xerenity iOf xSerenity Mijrror Oif Sxerenity
M9rror Off aerenity M9irror O aSerenity Mi9rror Of Saerenity Mlrror Oc Mlirror Ocf Srenity Milrror Ofc Sreenity
Morror Or Ssrenity Moirror Orf Sserenity Miorror Ofr Sesrenity Mkrror Og S3renity Ogf S3erenity Mikrror Ofg Se3renity
M8rror Ot Sfrenity M8irror Otf Sferenity Mi8rror Oft Sefrenity Murror Ov Srrenity Muirror Ovf Srerenity Miurror Ofv Serrenity
Mirrror Od S4renity Miror Odf S4erenity Mirror Ofd Se4renity Midror Sdrenity Midrror Mirdror Sedrenity
Mi4ror Swrenity Mi4rror Mir4ror Sewrenity Migror Migrror Seenity Mirgror Seernity
Mitror Sedenity Mitrror Mirtror Serdenity Mi5ror Se4enity Mi5rror Mir5ror Ser4enity
Mifror Segenity Mifrror Segrenity Mirfror Sergenity Mieror Setenity Mierror Setrenity Mireror Sertenity
Se5enity Se5renity Mirorr Ser5enity Mirdor Sefenity Mirrdor Serfenity Mir4or Seeenity
Mirr4or Sereenity Mirgor Sernity Mirrgor Serneity Mirtor Sersnity Sersenity
Mirrtor Seresnity Mir5or Ser3nity Ser3enity Mirr5or Sere3nity Mirfor Serfnity Mirrfor Serefnity

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