Buffy Sainte Marie
Banks Of The Roses

When I was a wee thing, I heard my mother say
That I was meant for rambling and would easy go astray
And before that I would work, I would rather sport and play
With my Johnny on the banks of red roses

On the banks of red roses, my love and I sat doon
He took out his tuning box to play his love a tune
In the middle of the tune, his love got up and cried
Oh Johnny, lovely Johnny, would you leave me?

So they walked and they talked until they came upon a cave
Where the night before her darling had spent digging on her grave
Aye, the night before her darling had spent digging on her grave
On the bonnie, bonnie banks of red roses

Oh no, oh no, cried she, that grave's not meant for me
Yes, oh yes, my darling, that your bridal bed shall be
Yes, oh yes, my darling, that your bridal bed shall be
And he's made her to lie down on red roses

And all on his way homeward, his heart was filled with fear
Every maid he came upon, he thought it was his dear
Yes, every maid he came upon, he thought it was his dear
Who he made to lie down on red roses

Recorded by Jean Redpath. Probable source : Hamish Henderson.
also by Buffy Ste Marie on Many a Mile

Mirror lyrics:

also by Buffy Ste Marie on Many a Mile
Recorded by Jean Redpath. Probable source : Hamish Henderson.

Who he made to lie down on red roses
Yes, every maid he came upon, he thought it was his dear
Every maid he came upon, he thought it was his dear
And all on his way homeward, his heart was filled with fear

And he's made her to lie down on red roses
Yes, oh yes, my darling, that your bridal bed shall be
Yes, oh yes, my darling, that your bridal bed shall be
Oh no, oh no, cried she, that grave's not meant for me

On the bonnie, bonnie banks of red roses
Aye, the night before her darling had spent digging on her grave
Where the night before her darling had spent digging on her grave
So they walked and they talked until they came upon a cave

Oh Johnny, lovely Johnny, would you leave me?
In the middle of the tune, his love got up and cried
He took out his tuning box to play his love a tune
On the banks of red roses, my love and I sat doon

With my Johnny on the banks of red roses
And before that I would work, I would rather sport and play
That I was meant for rambling and would easy go astray
When I was a wee thing, I heard my mother say

Relevant Tags:
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ganks 9f 5he 4oses gBanks 9Of 5The 4Roses Bganks O9f T5he R4oses nanks 0f hhe goses nBanks 0Of hThe gRoses Bnanks O0f Thhe Rgoses
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Bznks Off ghe foses Bzanks O gThe fRoses Baznks Of Tghe Rfoses Bqnks Oc rhe eoses Bqanks Ocf rThe eRoses Baqnks Ofc Trhe Reoses
Bsnks Or Rooses Bsanks Orf Te Rses Basnks Ofr Teh Rsoes Bwnks Og Tje Rkses Bwanks Ogf Tjhe Rkoses Bawnks Ofg Thje Rokses
Bxnks Ot Tue R9ses Bxanks Otf Tuhe R9oses Baxnks Oft Thue Ro9ses Bannks Ov Tne R0ses Baks Ovf Tnhe R0oses Bakns Ofv Thne Ro0ses
Bamks Od Tbe Rlses Bamnks Odf Tbhe Rloses Banmks Ofd Thbe Rolses Bahks Tge Rises Bahnks Rioses Banhks Thge Roises
Bajks Tye Rosses Bajnks Roes Banjks Thye Roess Babks Thee Rozes Babnks Th Rozses Banbks The Roszes
Bankks Ths Rowes Bans Thse Rowses

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