Buffalo Springfield
The Rent Is Always Due (demo)

You?re so of a child suspended in space

Crying out to you

Beckons you to yet another fine place

Where the trials of life are few

Don?t think you?re living long

Who says you are coming on

They won?t remember you

The rent is always due

The cloudy men who take their place

And stand in line they do

Know not of the satin face

That separates them from you

Just put your blue jeans on

Grab your guitar and sing a song

Don?t think I?m kidding you

The rent is always due

And she rides a broom with gold-plated straw

And she flutters around and she cries

The brylcream fools just standing on

Digesting all her lies

But then you walk along

And she starts coming on

Beneath her melting broom

The rent is always due

Mirror lyrics:

The rent is always due

Beneath her melting broom

And she starts coming on

But then you walk along

Digesting all her lies

The brylcream fools just standing on

And she flutters around and she cries

And she rides a broom with gold-plated straw

The rent is always due

Don?t think I?m kidding you

Grab your guitar and sing a song

Just put your blue jeans on

That separates them from you

Know not of the satin face

And stand in line they do

The cloudy men who take their place

The rent is always due

They won?t remember you

Who says you are coming on

Don?t think you?re living long

Where the trials of life are few

Beckons you to yet another fine place

Crying out to you

You?re so of a child suspended in space

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRent IIs AAlways DDue ((demo) he ent s lways ue demo) hTe eRnt sI lAways uDe d(emo) fhe dent js zlways xue (ddemo) fThe dRent jIs zAlways xDue (emo)
Tfhe Rdent Ijs Azlways Dxue (edmo) 5he 4ent 9s qlways eue (xemo) 5The 4Rent 9Is qAlways eDue (xdemo) T5he R4ent I9s Aqlways Deue (dxemo) hhe gent ls slways fue (eemo)
hThe gRent lIs sAlways fDue (edemo) Thhe Rgent Ils Aslways Dfue (deemo) yhe tent os wlways rue (femo) yThe tRent oIs wAlways rDue (fdemo) Tyhe Rtent Ios Awlways Drue (dfemo)
6he 5ent ks xlways cue (remo) 6The 5Rent kIs xAlways cDue (rdemo) T6he R5ent Iks Axlways Dcue (dremo) ghe fent 8s Allways sue (cemo) gThe fRent 8Is Aways sDue (cdemo)
Tghe Rfent I8s Awlays Dsue (dcemo) rhe eent us Akways Duue (semo) rThe eRent uIs Aklways De (sdemo) Trhe Reent Ius Alkways Deu (dsemo) Iss Aoways Dhe
Te Rnt I Aolways Dhue (dmo) Teh Rnet Is Aloways Duhe (dmeo) Tje Rsnt Iz Apways D7e (dsmo) Tjhe Rsent Izs Aplways D7ue Thje Resnt Isz Alpways Du7e (desmo)
Tue R3nt Iw Alwways Dke (d3mo) Tuhe R3ent Iws Alays Dkue (d3emo) Thue Re3nt Isw Alawys Duke (de3mo) Tne Rfnt Id Alaays Die (dfmo) Tnhe Ids Alaways Diue
Thne Refnt Isd Alwaays Duie (defmo) Tbe Rrnt Ie Al3ays D8e (drmo) Tbhe Rrent Ies Al3ways D8ue Thbe Rernt Ise Alw3ays Du8e (dermo) Tge R4nt Ix Aldays Dje (d4mo)
Ixs Aldways Djue (d4emo) Thge Re4nt Isx Alwdays Duje (de4mo) Tye Rdnt Ia Aleays Dye (ddmo) Ias Aleways Dyue Thye Rednt Isa Alweays Duye (dedmo)
Thee Rwnt Alsays Duee (dwmo) Th Rwent Alsways Du (dwemo) The Rewnt Alwsays Due (dewmo) Ths Rennt Al2ays Dus (demmo) Thse Ret Al2ways Duse (deo)
Thes Retn Alw2ays Dues (deom) Th3 Remt Alqays Du3 (dejo) Th3e Remnt Alqways Du3e (dejmo) The3 Renmt Alwqays Due3 (demjo) Thf Reht Duf (deko)
Thfe Rehnt Alwys Dufe (dekmo) Thef Renht Alwyas Duef (demko)

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