Bun B
Lights, Cameras, Action

[Verse 1 - Bun B]
Well it's Bun B performin live, one night only (one night only)
Come on through and kick it with your trill homie
Showtime's midnight, we ready as we gonna be (be)
A packed house and you know it's all on me (me)
You've seen the flyers, zone in the mix, now you wanna get in the mix
It's cool, get in line and get ya tixs (tixs)
But don't forget to buy your VIP pass
So you can get a picture (picture), soon as you see me pass (me pass)
And when we pull up to the back door
And they know the King of the trill is in the building, it's a wrap bro
Go DJ, let 'em know we in the house
It's official, we came to turn it out, no doubt

[Chorus - Bun B]
We need lights (lights), so you can see me live on stage
We need cameras (huh), put me on your Facebook page
We need action (what?), happens when you pass me the mic
And I can give the people just what they like
Well alright

We need lights (lights), cameras, action, it's on
We need lights (lights), cameras, action, it's on
We need lights (lights), cameras, action, it's on (action, it's on)
O-o-on (on), o-o-on (on)

[Verse 2 - Bun B]
We in the dressing room posted
Drinks in the air get toasted, sweets in the air get roasted
Promoters askin for a signed poster
Take a picture with my wife, get a little closer (little closer)
Now say "cheese" (cheese), we smile, wait a second, laugh (laugh)
I ain't trippin (trippin), long as I got my second half (half)
And Below's noddin (noddin) and Nina's all good
So I pour some "II Trill", take a shot to the noggin
Couple Texans in the house (house), some Rockets and some 'stros too (too)
They representin for the city like they 'sposed too (too)
I hear the opening act, it's on it's last song
Gladiators buy 'em up, time to mash on

[Chorus - w/ ad libs]

[Verse 3 - Bun B]
Alright y'all, it's about that time (about that time)
The DJ tells the crowd yo and he ain't lyin (he ain't lyin)
This is the moment that we all been waitin on
Real recognize real, nobody got they hatin on
It's showtime and the venue off the chain (chain)
Wall to wall people and they crunk for me mayne (crunk for me mayne)
We backstage gettin ready for the crowd
Ask 'em who they wanna see, they say my name real loud (loud)
They make me feel proud after all these years
We can still pack the place, hearin all these cheers (cheers)
Say a little prayer as I drop to one knee (knee)
Comin to the stage, give it up for Bun B

["give me the mic" instead of "pass me the mic"]

[Crowd chants "Bun B!" into next song]

Mirror lyrics:

[Crowd chants "Bun B!" into next song]

["give me the mic" instead of "pass me the mic"]

Comin to the stage, give it up for Bun B
Say a little prayer as I drop to one knee (knee)
We can still pack the place, hearin all these cheers (cheers)
They make me feel proud after all these years
Ask 'em who they wanna see, they say my name real loud (loud)
We backstage gettin ready for the crowd
Wall to wall people and they crunk for me mayne (crunk for me mayne)
It's showtime and the venue off the chain (chain)
Real recognize real, nobody got they hatin on
This is the moment that we all been waitin on
The DJ tells the crowd yo and he ain't lyin (he ain't lyin)
Alright y'all, it's about that time (about that time)
[Verse 3 - Bun B]

[Chorus - w/ ad libs]

Gladiators buy 'em up, time to mash on
I hear the opening act, it's on it's last song
They representin for the city like they 'sposed too (too)
Couple Texans in the house (house), some Rockets and some 'stros too (too)
So I pour some "II Trill", take a shot to the noggin
And Below's noddin (noddin) and Nina's all good
I ain't trippin (trippin), long as I got my second half (half)
Now say "cheese" (cheese), we smile, wait a second, laugh (laugh)
Take a picture with my wife, get a little closer (little closer)
Promoters askin for a signed poster
Drinks in the air get toasted, sweets in the air get roasted
We in the dressing room posted
[Verse 2 - Bun B]

O-o-on (on), o-o-on (on)
We need lights (lights), cameras, action, it's on (action, it's on)
We need lights (lights), cameras, action, it's on
We need lights (lights), cameras, action, it's on

Well alright
And I can give the people just what they like
We need action (what?), happens when you pass me the mic
We need cameras (huh), put me on your Facebook page
We need lights (lights), so you can see me live on stage
[Chorus - Bun B]

It's official, we came to turn it out, no doubt
Go DJ, let 'em know we in the house
And they know the King of the trill is in the building, it's a wrap bro
And when we pull up to the back door
So you can get a picture (picture), soon as you see me pass (me pass)
But don't forget to buy your VIP pass
It's cool, get in line and get ya tixs (tixs)
You've seen the flyers, zone in the mix, now you wanna get in the mix
A packed house and you know it's all on me (me)
Showtime's midnight, we ready as we gonna be (be)
Come on through and kick it with your trill homie
Well it's Bun B performin live, one night only (one night only)
[Verse 1 - Bun B]

Relevant Tags:
LLights, CCameras, AAction ights, ameras, ction iLghts, aCmeras, cAtion kights, fameras, zction kLights, fCameras, zAction Lkights, Cfameras, Azction
oights, xameras, qction oLights, xCameras, qAction Loights, Cxameras, Aqction pights, vameras, sction pLights, vCameras, sAction Lpights, Cvameras, Asction
Liights, dameras, wction Lghts, dCameras, wAction Lgihts, Cdameras, Awction Ljghts, Caameras, xction Ljights, Cmeras, xAction Lijghts, Cmaeras, Axction
L9ghts, Czmeras, Acction L9ights, Czameras, Ation Li9ghts, Cazmeras, Atcion Llghts, Cqmeras, Aftion Llights, Cqameras, Afction Lilghts, Caqmeras, Acftion
Loghts, Csmeras, Axtion Csameras, Lioghts, Casmeras, Acxtion Lkghts, Cwmeras, Avtion Cwameras, Avction Likghts, Cawmeras, Acvtion
L8ghts, Cxmeras, Adtion L8ights, Adction Li8ghts, Caxmeras, Acdtion Lughts, Cammeras, Acttion Luights, Caeras, Acion Liughts, Caemras, Aciton
Ligghts, Cajeras, Acfion Lihts, Cajmeras, Lihgts, Camjeras, Actfion Lihhts, Cakeras, Ac5ion Lihghts, Cakmeras, Ac5tion Lighhts, Camkeras, Act5ion
Liyhts, Caneras, Achion Liyghts, Canmeras, Achtion Ligyhts, Camneras, Acthion Libhts, Cameeras, Acyion Libghts, Camras, Acytion Ligbhts, Camreas, Actyion
Livhts, Camsras, Ac6ion Livghts, Camseras, Ac6tion Ligvhts, Camesras, Act6ion Lifhts, Cam3ras, Acgion Lifghts, Cam3eras, Acgtion Ligfhts, Came3ras, Actgion
Lithts, Camfras, Acrion Litghts, Camferas, Acrtion Ligthts, Camefras, Actrion Camrras, Actiion Ligts, Camreras, Acton Ligths, Camerras, Actoin
Ligjts, Cam4ras, Actjon Ligjhts, Cam4eras, Actjion

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