Casiotone For The Painfully Alone
Half Ghost

you can stand at a show all night
somewhere in the back just watching the bands
you can try to pretend nothing's wrong
& clap for the songs

or drive all night for no reason
just drive til the tape's done
& leave everything to the long long road
to take you home

or talk on the phone all night
& tell the whole story to an answering machine
or put everything on a song
just put everything on some song on the radio

at least a song won't cheat
at least a song won't leave

Mirror lyrics:

at least a song won't leave
at least a song won't cheat

just put everything on some song on the radio
or put everything on a song
& tell the whole story to an answering machine
or talk on the phone all night

to take you home
& leave everything to the long long road
just drive til the tape's done
or drive all night for no reason

& clap for the songs
you can try to pretend nothing's wrong
somewhere in the back just watching the bands
you can stand at a show all night

Relevant Tags:
HHalf GGhost alf host aHlf hGost jalf hhost jHalf hGhost Hjalf Ghhost ualf yhost uHalf yGhost Hualf Gyhost nalf bhost nHalf bGhost
Hnalf Gbhost balf vhost bHalf vGhost Hbalf Gvhost galf fhost gHalf fGhost Hgalf Gfhost yalf thost yHalf tGhost Hyalf Gthost Haalf
Hlf Gost Hlaf Gohst Hzlf Gjost Hzalf Gjhost Hazlf Ghjost Hqlf Guost Hqalf Guhost Haqlf Ghuost Hslf Gnost Hsalf Gnhost Haslf Ghnost
Hwlf Gbost Hwalf Hawlf Ghbost Hxlf Ggost Hxalf Gghost Haxlf Ghgost Hallf Gyost Haf Hafl Ghyost Hakf Ghoost Haklf Ghst
Halkf Ghsot Haof Ghkst Haolf Ghkost Halof Ghokst Hapf Gh9st Haplf Gh9ost Halpf Gho9st

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