Casey Jones
Just Another Day In Fla

I'm breaking out.
these walls can't hold me any longer.
DAYS pass me by and I got stronger WITH EVERY breath I took.
I doubted this world as a whole.
I refuse to live in a world that refuses me.
I refuse to live a life that isn't right for me.
I refuse.
I'm breaking out.
When reality comes, I'll shove it away and try to make it to another day.
I refuse.

Mirror lyrics:

I refuse.
When reality comes, I'll shove it away and try to make it to another day.
I'm breaking out.
I refuse.
I refuse to live a life that isn't right for me.
I refuse to live in a world that refuses me.
I doubted this world as a whole.
DAYS pass me by and I got stronger WITH EVERY breath I took.
these walls can't hold me any longer.
I'm breaking out.

Relevant Tags:
JJust AAnother DDay IIn FFla ust nother ay n la uJst nAother aDy nI lFa kust znother xay jn cla kJust zAnother xDay jIn cFla Jkust Aznother Dxay Ijn Fcla
iust qnother eay 9n rla iJust qAnother eDay 9In rFla Jiust Aqnother Deay I9n Frla must snother fay ln gla mJust sAnother fDay lIn gFla Jmust Asnother Dfay Iln Fgla
nust wnother ray on tla nJust wAnother rDay oIn tFla Jnust Awnother Dray Ion Ftla hust xnother cay kn vla hJust xAnother cDay kIn vFla Jhust Axnother Dcay Ikn Fvla
uust Annother say 8n dla uJust Aother sDay 8In dFla Juust Aonther Dsay I8n Fdla Amother Daay un Flla Jst Amnother Dy uIn Fa Jsut Anmother Dya Iun Fal
Jhst Ahother Dzy Inn Fka Ahnother Dzay I Fkla Juhst Anhother Dazy In Flka J7st Ajother Dqy Im Foa J7ust Ajnother Dqay Imn Fola Ju7st Anjother Daqy Inm Floa
Jkst Abother Dsy Ih Fpa Abnother Ihn Fpla Jukst Anbother Dasy Inh Flpa Jist Anoother Dwy Ij Flaa Anther Dway Fl Juist Antoher Dawy Inj Fla
J8st Ankther Dxy Ib Flz J8ust Ankother Ibn Flza Ju8st Anokther Daxy Inb Flaz Jjst An9ther Dayy Flq Jjust An9other Da Flqa Jujst Ano9ther Day Flaq
Jyst An0ther Dag Fls Jyust An0other Dagy Flsa Juyst Ano0ther Dayg Flas Jusst Anlther Dah Flw Jut Anlother Dahy Flwa Juts Anolther Dayh Flaw
Juzt Anither Da6 Flx Juzst Aniother Da6y Flxa Juszt Anoither Day6 Flax Juwt Anotther Dau Juwst Anoher Dauy Juswt Anohter Dayu
Judt Anofher Da7 Judst Anofther Da7y Jusdt Anotfher Day7 Juet Ano5her Daj Juest Ano5ther Dajy Juset Anot5her Dayj
Juxt Anohher Dat Juxst Anohther Daty Jusxt Anothher Dayt Juat Anoyher Juast Anoyther Jusat Anotyher
Justt Ano6her Jus Ano6ther

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