The Innocence Is Gone

Why do we live and die?
Why does love make us cry?
We wanted all the answers
We were younger then
We thought we could change the world
Hand in hand

I can remember when
We made sand turn to stone
And built our castles high
Time and tears have torn us down
I'm afraid to face the future
Hold me now
Where do we go from here?

After all the innocence is gone
(After all the tears)
It takes courage to believe
Love will last forever
Dreams die along the way
But together we are strong
I need you now to carry on

Why does time move so fast
We've got to make each moment last
We only get one lifetime
Everyday we're born again
We've got to learn to care again
Hold me now
I don't want to live without you

After all the innocence is gone...

You and I can fly again
Chasing down the rainbow's end
In the frozen hour of the darkest night
We can find the light

After all the innocence is gone...

Mirror lyrics:

After all the innocence is gone...

We can find the light
In the frozen hour of the darkest night
Chasing down the rainbow's end
You and I can fly again

After all the innocence is gone...

I don't want to live without you
Hold me now
We've got to learn to care again
Everyday we're born again
We only get one lifetime
We've got to make each moment last
Why does time move so fast

I need you now to carry on
But together we are strong
Dreams die along the way
Love will last forever
It takes courage to believe
(After all the tears)
After all the innocence is gone

Where do we go from here?
Hold me now
I'm afraid to face the future
Time and tears have torn us down
And built our castles high
We made sand turn to stone
I can remember when

Hand in hand
We thought we could change the world
We were younger then
We wanted all the answers
Why does love make us cry?
Why do we live and die?

Relevant Tags:
TThe IInnocence IIs GGone he nnocence s one hTe nInocence sI oGne fhe jnnocence js hone fThe jInnocence jIs hGone Tfhe Ijnnocence Ijs Ghone
5he 9nnocence 9s yone 5The 9Innocence 9Is yGone T5he I9nnocence I9s Gyone hhe lnnocence ls bone hThe lInnocence lIs bGone Thhe Ilnnocence Ils Gbone
yhe onnocence os vone yThe oInnocence oIs vGone Tyhe Ionnocence Ios Gvone 6he knnocence ks fone 6The kInnocence kIs fGone T6he Iknnocence Iks Gfone
ghe 8nnocence 8s tone gThe 8Innocence 8Is tGone Tghe I8nnocence I8s Gtone rhe unnocence us Goone rThe uInnocence uIs Gne Trhe Iunnocence Ius Gnoe
Innnocence Iss Gkne Te Inocence I Gkone Teh Innocence Is Gokne Tje Imnocence Iz G9ne Tjhe Imnnocence Izs G9one Thje Inmnocence Isz Go9ne
Tue Ihnocence Iw G0ne Tuhe Ihnnocence Iws G0one Thue Inhnocence Isw Go0ne Tne Ijnocence Id Glne Tnhe Ids Glone Thne Injnocence Isd Golne
Tbe Ibnocence Ie Gine Tbhe Ibnnocence Ies Gione Thbe Inbnocence Ise Goine Tge Ix Gonne Ixs Goe Thge Inoncence Isx Goen
Tye Inmocence Ia Gome Ias Gomne Thye Innmocence Isa Gonme Thee Inhocence Gohe Th Gohne The Innhocence Gonhe
Ths Injocence Goje Thse Gojne Thes Innjocence Gonje Th3 Inbocence Gobe Th3e Gobne The3 Innbocence Gonbe
Thf Innoocence Gonee Thfe Inncence Gon Thef Inncoence Gone Thr Innkcence Gons Thre Innkocence Gonse Ther Innokcence Gones
Th4 Inn9cence Gon3 Th4e Inn9ocence Gon3e The4 Inno9cence Gone3 Thd Inn0cence Gonf Thde Inn0ocence Gonfe Thed Inno0cence Gonef
Thw Innlcence Gonr Thwe Innlocence Gonre Thew Innolcence Goner Innicence Gon4 Inniocence Gon4e Innoicence Gone4
Innoccence Gond Innoence Gonde Innoecnce Goned Innofence Gonw Innofcence Gonwe

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