Carmen Rasmusen
The One After 9 09

My baby says he's trav'ling on the one after 909

I said move over honey I'm travelling on that line

I said move over once, move over twice

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

I begged her not to go and I begged him on my bended knees

You're only fooling around, you're fooling around with me

I said move over once, move over twice

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

I got my bag, run to the station

Railman says you've got the the wrong location

I got my bag, run right home

Then I find I've got the number wrong

Well I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

I said move over honey I'm travelling on that line

I said move over once, move over twice

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

I got my bag, run to the station

railman says you've got the the wrong location

I got my bag, run right home

Then I find I've got the number wrong

Well I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

I said move over honey I'm travelling on that line

I said move over once, move over twice

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said we're trav'ling on the one after 90

I said we're trav'ling on the one after 90

I said we're trav'ling on the one after 909

(Oh Danny Boy, the old summer is calling.)

Mirror lyrics:

(Oh Danny Boy, the old summer is calling.)

I said we're trav'ling on the one after 909

I said we're trav'ling on the one after 90

I said we're trav'ling on the one after 90

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said move over once, move over twice

I said move over honey I'm travelling on that line

Well I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

Then I find I've got the number wrong

I got my bag, run right home

railman says you've got the the wrong location

I got my bag, run to the station

I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said move over once, move over twice

I said move over honey I'm travelling on that line

Well I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

Then I find I've got the number wrong

I got my bag, run right home

Railman says you've got the the wrong location

I got my bag, run to the station

I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said move over once, move over twice

You're only fooling around, you're fooling around with me

I begged her not to go and I begged him on my bended knees

I said I'm trav'ling on the one after 909

Come on baby don't be cold as ice

I said move over once, move over twice

I said move over honey I'm travelling on that line

My baby says he's trav'ling on the one after 909

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOne AAfter 99 009 he ne fter 9 hTe nOe fAter 9 90 fhe kne zfter 0 p9 fThe kOne zAfter 09 p09 Tfhe Okne Azfter 90 0p9
5he 9ne qfter i 99 5The 9One qAfter i9 909 T5he O9ne Aqfter 9i 099 hhe 0ne sfter o o9 hThe 0One sAfter o9 o09 Thhe O0ne Asfter 9o 0o9
yhe lne wfter 8 yThe lOne wAfter 89 0 Tyhe Olne Awfter 98 09 6he ine xfter 00 6The iOne xAfter T6he Oine Axfter 090
ghe Onne Affter 0i gThe Oe Ater 0i9 Tghe Oen Atfer 09i rhe Ome Acter 0o rThe Omne Acfter Trhe Onme Afcter 09o
Ohe Arter 08 Te Ohne Arfter 089 Teh Onhe Afrter 098 Tje Oje Agter Tjhe Ojne Agfter Thje Onje Afgter
Tue Obe Atter Tuhe Obne Atfter Thue Onbe Aftter Tne Onee Avter Tnhe On Avfter Thne One Afvter
Tbe Ons Adter Tbhe Onse Adfter Thbe Ones Afdter Tge On3 On3e Afer Thge One3 Afetr
Tye Onf Affer Onfe Thye Onef Aftfer Thee Onr Af5er Th Onre Af5ter The Oner Aft5er
Ths On4 Afher Thse On4e Afhter

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