Buddy Holly
Gotta Get You Near Me Blues

BGuddy Holly - Gotta get you near me blues

Tonight I'm so blue - thinking of you
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
so hurry here to me - darling can't you see
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”

Have you ever had this feeling that I've been speaking of
to be so far away from the one that you love

So hurry here to me - darling can't you see
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”

Gonna head it on back to our country home
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
and when I get there dear - no more will I roam
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”

There's a big yellow moon smiling down from above
that's no good to me without the one that I love
So hurry here to me - darling can't you see
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues

Mirror lyrics:

I've got those “gotta get you near me blues
So hurry here to me - darling can't you see
that's no good to me without the one that I love
There's a big yellow moon smiling down from above

I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
and when I get there dear - no more will I roam
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
Gonna head it on back to our country home

I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
So hurry here to me - darling can't you see

to be so far away from the one that you love
Have you ever had this feeling that I've been speaking of

I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
so hurry here to me - darling can't you see
I've got those “gotta get you near me blues”
Tonight I'm so blue - thinking of you

BGuddy Holly - Gotta get you near me blues

Relevant Tags:
GGotta GGet YYou NNear MMe BBlues otta et ou ear e lues oGtta eGt oYu eNar eM lBues hotta het gou mear je vlues hGotta hGet gYou mNear jMe vBlues
Ghotta Ghet Ygou Nmear Mje Bvlues yotta yet hou hear ke glues yGotta yGet hYou hNear kMe gBlues Gyotta Gyet Yhou Nhear Mke Bglues botta bet 6ou jear ne nlues
bGotta bGet 6You jNear nMe nBlues Gbotta Gbet Y6ou Njear Mne Bnlues votta vet uou bear Mee hlues vGotta vGet uYou bNear M hBlues Gvotta Gvet Yuou Nbear Me Bhlues
fotta fet 7ou Neear Ms Bllues fGotta fGet 7You Nar Mse Bues Gfotta Gfet Y7ou Naer Mes Bules totta tet jou Nsar M3 Bkues tGotta tGet jYou Nsear M3e Bklues
Gtotta Gtet Yjou Nesar Me3 Blkues Gootta Geet tou N3ar Mf Boues Gtta Gt tYou N3ear Mfe Bolues Gtota Gte Ytou Ne3ar Mef Bloues Gktta Gst Yoou Nfar Mr Bpues
Gkotta Gset Yu Nfear Mre Bplues Goktta Gest Yuo Nefar Mer Blpues G9tta G3t Yku Nrar M4 Bluues G9otta G3et Ykou Nrear M4e Bles Go9tta Ge3t Yoku Nerar Me4 Bleus
G0tta Gft Y9u N4ar Md Blhes G0otta Y9ou N4ear Mde Blhues Go0tta Geft Yo9u Ne4ar Med Bluhes Gltta Grt Y0u Ndar Mw Bl7es Glotta Gret Y0ou Ndear Mwe Bl7ues
Goltta Gert Yo0u Nedar Mew Blu7es Gitta G4t Ylu Nwar Blkes Giotta G4et Ylou Nwear Goitta Ge4t Yolu Newar Blukes Gottta Gdt Yiu Neaar Blies
Gota Gdet Yiou Ner Bliues Gotta Gedt Yoiu Nera Bluies Gofta Gwt Youu Nezr Bl8es Goftta Gwet Yo Nezar Bl8ues Gotfta Gewt You Neazr Blu8es
Go5ta Gett Yoh Neqr Bljes Go5tta Ge Yohu Neqar Bljues Got5ta Get Youh Neaqr Blujes

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