Buddy Holly
(you're So Square) Baby I Don't Care

Artist Buddy Holly
Title: (You're so square) Baby I don't care

You don't like crazy music
You don't like rockin' bands
You just wanna go to a movie show
And sit there holding hands
You're so square
Baby I don't care

I don't why my heart flips
I only know it does
I wonder why I love you baby
I guess it's just because
You're so square
Baby I don't care

You don't know any dance steps that I do
I only know I love you like I do, I do, I do

I don't why my heart flips
I only know it does
I wonder why I love you baby
I guess it's just because
You're so square
Baby I don't care
Baby I don't care
Baby I don't care care
Care care

Mirror lyrics:

Care care
Baby I don't care care
Baby I don't care
Baby I don't care
You're so square
I guess it's just because
I wonder why I love you baby
I only know it does
I don't why my heart flips

I only know I love you like I do, I do, I do
You don't know any dance steps that I do

Baby I don't care
You're so square
I guess it's just because
I wonder why I love you baby
I only know it does
I don't why my heart flips

Baby I don't care
You're so square
And sit there holding hands
You just wanna go to a movie show
You don't like rockin' bands
You don't like crazy music

Title: (You're so square) Baby I don't care
Artist Buddy Holly

Relevant Tags:
((you're SSo SSquare) BBaby II DDon't CCare you're o quare) aby on't are y(ou're oS qSuare) aBby I oDn't aCre (yyou're zo zquare) vaby j xon't fare
(ou're zSo zSquare) vBaby jI xDon't fCare (oyu're Szo Szquare) Bvaby Ij Dxon't Cfare (gou're wo wquare) gaby 9 eon't xare (gyou're wSo wSquare) gBaby 9I eDon't xCare
(ygou're Swo Swquare) Bgaby I9 Deon't Cxare (hou're do dquare) naby l fon't vare (hyou're dSo dSquare) nBaby lI fDon't vCare (yhou're Sdo Sdquare) Bnaby Il Dfon't Cvare
(6ou're eo equare) haby o ron't dare (6you're eSo eSquare) hBaby oI rDon't dCare (y6ou're Seo Sequare) Bhaby Io Dron't Cdare (uou're xo xquare) Baaby k con't Caare
(uyou're xSo xSquare) Bby kI cDon't Cre (yuou're Sxo Sxquare) Bbay Ik Dcon't Crae (7ou're ao aquare) Bzby 8 son't Czre (7you're aSo aSquare) Bzaby 8I sDon't Czare
(y7ou're Sao Saquare) Bazby I8 Dson't Cazre (jou're Soo Sqquare) Bqby u Doon't Cqre (jyou're S Suare) Bqaby uI Dn't Cqare (yjou're So Suqare) Baqby Iu Dno't Caqre
(tou're Sk Sauare) Bsby Dkn't Csre (tyou're Sko Bsaby Dkon't Csare (ytou're Sok Sqauare) Basby Dokn't Casre (yoou're S9 S2uare) Bwby D9n't Cwre
(yu're S9o S2quare) Bwaby D9on't Cware (yuo're So9 Sq2uare) Bawby Do9n't Cawre (yku're S0 Swuare) Bxby D0n't Cxre (ykou're S0o Bxaby D0on't
(yoku're So0 Sqwuare) Baxby Do0n't Caxre (y9u're Sl Ssuare) Babby Dln't Carre (y9ou're Slo Ssquare) Bay Dlon't Cae (yo9u're Sol Sqsuare) Bayb Doln't Caer
(y0u're Si S1uare) Bavy Din't Cade (y0ou're Sio S1quare) Bavby Dion't Cadre (yo0u're Soi Sq1uare) Babvy Doin't Carde (ylu're Squuare) Bagy Donn't Ca4e
(ylou're Sqare) Bagby Do't Ca4re (yolu're Sqaure) Babgy Do'nt Car4e (yiu're Sqhare) Bany Dom't Cage (yiou're Sqhuare) Banby Domn't Cagre
(yoiu're Squhare) Babny Donm't Carge (youu're Sq7are) Bahy Doh't Cate (yo're Sq7uare) Bahby Dohn't Catre (yo'ure Squ7are) Babhy Donh't Carte
(yoh're Sqkare) Babyy Doj't Ca5e (yohu're Sqkuare) Bab Dojn't Ca5re (youh're Squkare) Baby Donj't Car5e (yo7're Sqiare) Babg Dob't Cafe
(yo7u're Sqiuare) Dobn't Cafre (you7're Squiare) Babyg Donb't Carfe (yok're Sq8are) Babh Don''t Caee Sq8uare) Dont Caere
(youk're Squ8are) Babyh Dont' Caree (yoi're Sqjare) Bab6 Don'tt Sqjuare) Bab6y Don' Car (youi're Squjare) Baby6 Don't Care
(yo8're Sqyare) Babu Don'f Cars (yo8u're Sqyuare) Babuy Don'ft Carse (you8're Squyare) Babyu Don'tf Cares

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