Buck Owens
That's How I Measure My Love For You

High as the sky is my love for you
Warm as the sun that comes shining through
Strong as a wave on the ocean blue
That's how I measure my love for you.

When I sleep all my dreams are just dreams of you
When I'm awake all my thoughts are of only you
I'd walk a mile just to see one little smile from you
That's how I measure my love for you.

--- Instrumental ---

When you're gone how I long for the sight of you
When you're near how I thrill to the touch of you
Right or wrong from now on I'll be a part of you
That's how I measure my love for you.

High as the sky is my love for you
Warm as the sun that comes shining through
Strong as a wave on the ocean blue
That's how I measure my love for you.

That's how I measure my love for you...

Mirror lyrics:

That's how I measure my love for you...

That's how I measure my love for you.
Strong as a wave on the ocean blue
Warm as the sun that comes shining through
High as the sky is my love for you

That's how I measure my love for you.
Right or wrong from now on I'll be a part of you
When you're near how I thrill to the touch of you
When you're gone how I long for the sight of you

--- Instrumental ---

That's how I measure my love for you.
I'd walk a mile just to see one little smile from you
When I'm awake all my thoughts are of only you
When I sleep all my dreams are just dreams of you

That's how I measure my love for you.
Strong as a wave on the ocean blue
Warm as the sun that comes shining through
High as the sky is my love for you

Relevant Tags:
TThat's HHow II MMeasure MMy LLove FFor YYou hat's ow easure y ove or ou hTat's oHw I eMasure yM oLve oFr oYu fhat's jow j jeasure jy kove cor gou
fThat's jHow jI jMeasure jMy kLove cFor gYou Tfhat's Hjow Ij Mjeasure Mjy Lkove Fcor Ygou 5hat's uow 9 keasure ky oove ror hou 5That's uHow 9I kMeasure kMy oLove rFor hYou
T5hat's Huow I9 Mkeasure Mky Loove Fror Yhou hhat's now l neasure ny pove gor 6ou hThat's nHow lI nMeasure nMy pLove gFor 6You Thhat's Hnow Il Mneasure Mny Lpove Fgor Y6ou
yhat's bow o Meeasure Myy tor uou yThat's bHow oI Masure M Lve tFor uYou Tyhat's Hbow Io Maesure My Lvoe Ftor Yuou 6hat's gow k Msasure Mg Lkve vor 7ou
6That's gHow kI Mseasure Mgy vFor 7You T6hat's Hgow Ik Mesasure Myg Lokve Fvor Y7ou ghat's yow 8 M3asure Mh L9ve dor jou gThat's yHow 8I M3easure Mhy L9ove dFor jYou
Tghat's Hyow I8 Me3asure Myh Lo9ve Fdor Yjou rhat's Hoow u Mfasure M6 L0ve Foor tou rThat's Hw uI Mfeasure M6y L0ove Fr tYou Trhat's Hwo Iu Mefasure My6 Lo0ve Fro Ytou
Hkw Mrasure Mu Llve Fkr Yoou Tat's Hkow Mreasure Muy Llove Fkor Yu Taht's Hokw Merasure Myu Lolve Fokr Yuo Tjat's H9w M4asure M7 Live F9r Yku
Tjhat's H9ow M4easure M7y Liove F9or Ykou Thjat's Ho9w Me4asure My7 Loive Fo9r Yoku Tuat's H0w Mdasure Mj Lovve F0r Y9u Tuhat's H0ow Mdeasure Loe F0or Y9ou
Thuat's Ho0w Medasure Myj Loev Fo0r Yo9u Tnat's Hlw Mwasure Mt Lobe Flr Y0u Tnhat's Hlow Mweasure Mty Lobve Flor Y0ou Thnat's Holw Mewasure Myt Lovbe Folr Yo0u
Tbat's Hiw Meaasure Loce Fir Ylu Tbhat's Hiow Mesure Locve Fior Ylou Thbat's Hoiw Mesaure Lovce Foir Yolu Tgat's Howw Mezsure Loge Forr Yiu
Ho Mezasure Logve Fo Yiou Thgat's How Meazsure Lovge For Yoiu Tyat's Hoa Meqsure Lofe Fod Youu Hoaw Meqasure Lofve Fodr Yo
Thyat's Howa Meaqsure Lovfe Ford You Thaat's Ho3 Messure Lovee Fo4 Yoh Tht's Ho3w Lov Fo4r Yohu Thta's How3 Meassure Love For4 Youh
Thzt's Hod Mewsure Lovs Fog Yo7 Thzat's Hodw Lovse Fogr Yo7u Thazt's Howd Meawsure Loves Forg You7 Thqt's Hoe Mexsure Lov3 Fot Yok
Thqat's Hoew Mexasure Lov3e Fotr Thaqt's Howe Meaxsure Love3 Fort Youk Thst's Hos Lovf Fo5 Yoi Thsat's Hosw Meaure Fo5r
Thast's Hows Meausre Lovef For5 Youi Thwt's Ho2 Meazure Lovr Fof Yo8 Thwat's Ho2w Lovre Fofr Yo8u Thawt's How2 Measzure Lover Forf You8
Thxt's Hoq Meawure Lov4 Foe Yoj Thxat's Hoqw Lov4e Foer Yoju Thaxt's Howq Measwure Love4 Fore Youj Thatt's Meadure Lovd Yoy
Tha's Meadsure Lovde Yoyu Tha'ts Measdure Loved Youy Thaf's Meaeure Lovw Thaft's Meaesure Lovwe

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