Buck Owens
What A Liar I Am

Oh, you told me you had found another
That I no longer fit into your plans
Don't apologize I said, for it don't matter
But you know what a liar I am.

With a smile on my face I wished you well, dear
With the happiness at last you say you've found
But if you knew how I've tossed and I've tumbled
Then you'd know what a liar I am.

--- Instrumental ---

I watched you walk away with your new love
Watched my dream world tumble to the ground
I told all of our friends I'm glad it's over
But they know what a liar I am.

With a smile on my face I wished you well, dear
With the happiness at last you say you've found
But if you knew how I've tossed and I've tumbled
Then you'd know what a liar I am.

Now you know what a liar I am...

Mirror lyrics:

Now you know what a liar I am...

Then you'd know what a liar I am.
But if you knew how I've tossed and I've tumbled
With the happiness at last you say you've found
With a smile on my face I wished you well, dear

But they know what a liar I am.
I told all of our friends I'm glad it's over
Watched my dream world tumble to the ground
I watched you walk away with your new love

--- Instrumental ---

Then you'd know what a liar I am.
But if you knew how I've tossed and I've tumbled
With the happiness at last you say you've found
With a smile on my face I wished you well, dear

But you know what a liar I am.
Don't apologize I said, for it don't matter
That I no longer fit into your plans
Oh, you told me you had found another

Relevant Tags:
WWhat AA LLiar II AAm hat iar m hWat A iLar I mA ahat z kiar j zm aWhat zA kLiar jI zAm Wahat Az Lkiar Ij Azm 3hat q oiar 9 qm
3What qA oLiar 9I qAm W3hat Aq Loiar I9 Aqm dhat s piar l sm dWhat sA pLiar lI sAm Wdhat As Lpiar Il Asm ehat w Liiar o wm eWhat wA Lar oI wAm
Wehat Aw Lair Io Awm shat x Ljar k xm sWhat xA Ljiar kI xAm Wshat Ax Lijar Ik Axm 2hat L9ar 8 Amm 2What L9iar 8I A W2hat Li9ar I8 Am
qhat Llar u Aj qWhat Lliar uI Ajm Wqhat Lilar Iu Amj Whhat Loar Ak Wat Akm Waht Lioar Amk Wjat Lkar An
Wjhat Anm Whjat Likar Amn Wuat L8ar Wuhat L8iar Whuat Li8ar Wnat Luar Wnhat Luiar
Whnat Liuar Wbat Liaar Wbhat Lir Whbat Lira Wgat Lizr Wghat Lizar Whgat Liazr
Wyat Liqr Wyhat Liqar

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