Buck 65
Sounds From The Back Of The Bus

I hide behind the curtain listening to whispers with my fingers cross
I got 2 little sisters to think about
In the event that ghosts appears
I'm told I'm supposed to hear a signal when the coast is clear
But I'm alone in this room and it scares me
To start, I'm having second thoughts and it tears me apart
Hold on to my breath for dear life, feeling confused yet
Still enthusiastic about the sound of music
Join me please

Mirror lyrics:

Join me please
Still enthusiastic about the sound of music
Hold on to my breath for dear life, feeling confused yet
To start, I'm having second thoughts and it tears me apart
But I'm alone in this room and it scares me
I'm told I'm supposed to hear a signal when the coast is clear
In the event that ghosts appears
I got 2 little sisters to think about
I hide behind the curtain listening to whispers with my fingers cross

Relevant Tags:
SSounds FFrom TThe BBack OOf TThe BBus ounds rom he ack f he us oSunds rFom hTe aBck fO hTe uBs zounds crom fhe vack kf fhe vus zSounds cFrom fThe vBack kOf fThe vBus
Szounds Fcrom Tfhe Bvack Okf Tfhe Bvus wounds rrom 5he gack 9f 5he gus wSounds rFrom 5The gBack 9Of 5The gBus Swounds Frrom T5he Bgack O9f T5he Bgus dounds grom hhe nack 0f hhe nus
dSounds gFrom hThe nBack 0Of hThe nBus Sdounds Fgrom Thhe Bnack O0f Thhe Bnus eounds trom yhe hack lf yhe hus eSounds tFrom yThe hBack lOf yThe hBus Seounds Ftrom Tyhe Bhack Olf Tyhe Bhus
xounds vrom 6he Baack if 6he Buus xSounds vFrom 6The Bck iOf 6The Bs Sxounds Fvrom T6he Bcak Oif T6he Bsu aounds drom ghe Bzck Off ghe Bhs aSounds dFrom gThe Bzack O gThe
Saounds Fdrom Tghe Bazck Of Tghe Buhs Soounds rhe Bqck Oc rhe B7s Sunds Fom rThe Bqack Ocf rThe B7us Suonds Form Trhe Baqck Ofc Trhe Bu7s Skunds Fdom Bsck Or Bks
Skounds Te Bsack Orf Te Bkus Sokunds Frdom Teh Basck Ofr Teh Buks S9unds F4om Tje Bwck Og Tje Bis S9ounds F4rom Tjhe Bwack Ogf Tjhe Bius So9unds Fr4om Thje Bawck Ofg Thje Buis
S0unds Fgom Tue Bxck Ot Tue B8s S0ounds Tuhe Bxack Otf Tuhe B8us So0unds Frgom Thue Baxck Oft Thue Bu8s Slunds Ftom Tne Bacck Ov Tne Bjs Slounds Tnhe Bak Ovf Tnhe Bjus
Solunds Frtom Thne Bakc Ofv Thne Bujs Siunds F5om Tbe Bafk Od Tbe Bys Siounds F5rom Tbhe Bafck Odf Tbhe Byus Soiunds Fr5om Thbe Bacfk Ofd Thbe Buys Souunds Ffom Tge Baxk Tge Buss
Sonds Ffrom Bu Sonuds Frfom Thge Bacxk Thge Bus Sohnds Feom Tye Bavk Tye Buz Sohunds Ferom Bavck Buzs Souhnds Freom Thye Bacvk Thye Busz
So7nds Froom Thee Badk Thee Buw So7unds Frm Th Badck Th Buws Sou7nds Frmo The Bacdk The Busw Soknds Frkm Ths Backk Ths Bud Frkom Thse Bac Thse Buds
Souknds Frokm Thes Back Thes Busd Soinds Fr9m Th3 Bacl Th3 Bue Fr9om Th3e Baclk Th3e Bues Souinds Fro9m The3 Backl The3 Buse So8nds Fr0m Thf Baco Thf Bux
So8unds Fr0om Thfe Bacok Thfe Buxs

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