Bryan White
Love Me Like You Mean It

(Bryan White - Derek George - John Tirro)

You don't have to try so hard
What's with the attitude
All I want is who you are
All you gotta do is.

Love me like you mean it every day
I really want to know that you're willing to lay
Your heart's on the line, talking is fine, but feeling is believing
Love me like you mean it.

You can try the latest style but that won't turn my head
If you want to drive me wild and keep me interested.

Love me like you mean it every day
I really want to know that you're willing to lay
Your heart's on the line, talking is fine, but feeling is believing
Love me like you mean it.

They'll try to tell you
That the secret to the mind of a man
Is to be some kind of fantasy
But what I'm needin'
You ain't ever gonna find in a magazine
It's in between you and me.

--- Instrumental ---

Love me like you mean it (love me like you mean it every day)
I really want to know that you're willing to lay
Your heart's on the line, talking is fine, but feeling is believing
Love me like you mean it...

Mirror lyrics:

Love me like you mean it...
Your heart's on the line, talking is fine, but feeling is believing
I really want to know that you're willing to lay
Love me like you mean it (love me like you mean it every day)

--- Instrumental ---

It's in between you and me.
You ain't ever gonna find in a magazine
But what I'm needin'
Is to be some kind of fantasy
That the secret to the mind of a man
They'll try to tell you

Love me like you mean it.
Your heart's on the line, talking is fine, but feeling is believing
I really want to know that you're willing to lay
Love me like you mean it every day

If you want to drive me wild and keep me interested.
You can try the latest style but that won't turn my head

Love me like you mean it.
Your heart's on the line, talking is fine, but feeling is believing
I really want to know that you're willing to lay
Love me like you mean it every day

All you gotta do is.
All I want is who you are
What's with the attitude
You don't have to try so hard

(Bryan White - Derek George - John Tirro)

Relevant Tags:
LLove MMe LLike YYou MMean IIt ove e ike ou ean t oLve eM iLke oYu eMan tI kove je kike gou jean jt kLove jMe kLike gYou jMean jIt Lkove Mje Lkike Ygou Mjean Ijt
oove ke oike hou kean 9t oLove kMe oLike hYou kMean 9It Loove Mke Loike Yhou Mkean I9t pove ne pike 6ou nean lt pLove nMe pLike 6You nMean lIt Lpove Mne Lpike Y6ou Mnean Ilt
Mee Liike uou Meean ot Lve M Lke uYou Man oIt Lvoe Me Lkie Yuou Maen Iot Lkve Ms Ljke 7ou Msan kt Mse Ljike 7You Msean kIt Lokve Mes Lijke Y7ou Mesan Ikt
L9ve M3 L9ke jou M3an 8t L9ove M3e L9ike jYou M3ean 8It Lo9ve Me3 Li9ke Yjou Me3an I8t L0ve Mf Llke tou Mfan ut L0ove Mfe Llike tYou Mfean uIt Lo0ve Mef Lilke Ytou Mefan Iut
Llve Mr Loke Yoou Mran Itt Llove Mre Yu Mrean I Lolve Mer Lioke Yuo Meran It Live M4 Lkke Yku M4an If Liove M4e Ykou M4ean Ift Loive Me4 Likke Yoku Me4an Itf
Lovve Md L8ke Y9u Mdan I5 Loe Mde L8ike Y9ou Mdean I5t Loev Med Li8ke Yo9u Medan It5 Lobe Mw Luke Y0u Mwan Ih Lobve Mwe Luike Y0ou Mwean Iht Lovbe Mew Liuke Yo0u Mewan Ith

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