Bryan White
How Lucky I Am

(Marcus Hummon - Annie Roboff)

Standing in a field of three leaf clovers
Waiting for the rain to pass over
No rainbows, on my shoulder
Just the weight of walking day to day
Nothing shiny coming along the way
Then I saw you and I reached out
(Ain`t) no more blue, now I understand.

Just how lucky I am lucky I am to be the one who fills your eyes
Blowin' away, sails on a lake flyin' like a flag in the sky
Bright colored balloons in the wind
That`s how lucky I am, how lucky I am.

Now the road is rising up to meet me
And my half empty cup is filled completely
And I`m drinking that sweet taste of rain
So grateful for each moment I get.

For how lucky I am lucky I am to be the one who fills your eyes
Blowin' away, sails on a lake flyin' like a flag in the sky
Bright colored balloons in the wind
That`s how lucky I am, how lucky I am.

To have found you
I could have walked on by
But the stars were on my side.

How lucky I am lucky I am to be the one who fills your eyes
Blowin' away, sails on a lake flyin' like a flag in the sky
Bright colored balloons in the wind
That`s how lucky I am, how lucky I am.

Lucky I am, lucky I am...

Mirror lyrics:

Lucky I am, lucky I am...

That`s how lucky I am, how lucky I am.
Bright colored balloons in the wind
Blowin' away, sails on a lake flyin' like a flag in the sky
How lucky I am lucky I am to be the one who fills your eyes

But the stars were on my side.
I could have walked on by
To have found you

That`s how lucky I am, how lucky I am.
Bright colored balloons in the wind
Blowin' away, sails on a lake flyin' like a flag in the sky
For how lucky I am lucky I am to be the one who fills your eyes

So grateful for each moment I get.
And I`m drinking that sweet taste of rain
And my half empty cup is filled completely
Now the road is rising up to meet me

That`s how lucky I am, how lucky I am.
Bright colored balloons in the wind
Blowin' away, sails on a lake flyin' like a flag in the sky
Just how lucky I am lucky I am to be the one who fills your eyes

(Ain`t) no more blue, now I understand.
Then I saw you and I reached out
Nothing shiny coming along the way
Just the weight of walking day to day
No rainbows, on my shoulder
Waiting for the rain to pass over
Standing in a field of three leaf clovers

(Marcus Hummon - Annie Roboff)

Relevant Tags:
HHow LLucky II AAm ow ucky m oHw uLcky I mA jow kucky j zm jHow kLucky jI zAm Hjow Lkucky Ij Azm uow oucky 9 qm uHow oLucky 9I qAm
Huow Loucky I9 Aqm now pucky l sm nHow pLucky lI sAm Hnow Lpucky Il Asm bow Luucky o wm bHow Lcky oI wAm Hbow Lcuky Io Awm gow Lhcky k xm
gHow Lhucky kI xAm Hgow Luhcky Ik Axm yow L7cky 8 Amm yHow L7ucky 8I A Hyow Lu7cky I8 Am Hoow Lkcky u Aj Hw uI Ajm Hwo Lukcky Iu Amj
Hkw Licky Ak Hkow Liucky Akm Hokw Luicky Amk H9w L8cky An H9ow L8ucky Anm Ho9w Lu8cky Amn H0w Ljcky H0ow Ljucky
Ho0w Lujcky Hlw Lycky Hlow Lyucky Holw Luycky Hiw Luccky Hiow Luky Hoiw Lukcy Howw Lufky
Ho Lufcky How Lucfky Hoa Luxky Hoaw Luxcky Howa Lucxky Ho3 Luvky

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