Bryan Adams
I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You

Oceans apart, day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice, on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
how can we say forever

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh can't you see it baby,
You've got me going crazy

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive, this romance
But in the end if I'm with you, I'll take the chance

Oh you can't see it baby
You've got me going crazy

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

Mirror lyrics:

I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here, waiting for you
Wherever you go, whatever you do

You've got me going crazy
Oh you can't see it baby

But in the end if I'm with you, I'll take the chance
I wonder how we can survive, this romance

I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here, waiting for you
Wherever you go, whatever you do

You've got me going crazy
Oh can't you see it baby,
But I can't get near you now
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
That I thought would last somehow
I took for granted, all the times

I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here, waiting for you
Wherever you go, whatever you do

how can we say forever
If I see you next to never
But it doesn't stop the pain
I hear your voice, on the line
And I slowly go insane
Oceans apart, day after day

Relevant Tags:
II WWill BBe RRight HHere WWaiting FFor YYou ill e ight ere aiting or ou I iWll eB iRght eHre aWiting oFr oYu j aill ve dight jere aaiting cor gou
jI aWill vBe dRight jHere aWaiting cFor gYou Ij Waill Bve Rdight Hjere Waaiting Fcor Ygou 9 3ill ge 4ight uere 3aiting ror hou 9I 3Will gBe 4Right uHere 3Waiting rFor hYou
I9 W3ill Bge R4ight Huere W3aiting Fror Yhou l dill ne gight nere daiting gor 6ou lI dWill nBe gRight nHere dWaiting gFor 6You Il Wdill Bne Rgight Hnere Wdaiting Fgor Y6ou
o eill he tight bere eaiting tor uou oI eWill hBe tRight bHere eWaiting tFor uYou Io Weill Bhe Rtight Hbere Weaiting Ftor Yuou k sill Bee 5ight gere saiting vor 7ou
kI sWill B 5Right gHere sWaiting vFor 7You Ik Wsill Be R5ight Hgere Wsaiting Fvor Y7ou 8 2ill Bs fight yere 2aiting dor jou 8I 2Will Bse fRight yHere 2Waiting dFor jYou
I8 W2ill Bes Rfight Hyere W2aiting Fdor Yjou u qill B3 eight Heere qaiting Foor tou uI qWill B3e eRight Hre qWaiting Fr tYou Iu Wqill Be3 Reight Hree Wqaiting Fro Ytou
Wiill Bf Riight Hsre Fkr Yoou Wll Bfe Rght Hsere Witing Fkor Yu Wlil Bef Rgiht Hesre Wiating Fokr Yuo Wjll Br Rjght H3re Wziting F9r Yku
Wjill Bre Rjight H3ere Wzaiting F9or Ykou Wijll Ber Rijght He3re Waziting Fo9r Yoku W9ll B4 R9ght Hfre Wqiting F0r Y9u W9ill B4e R9ight Hfere F0or Y9ou
Wi9ll Be4 Ri9ght Hefre Waqiting Fo0r Yo9u Wlll Bd Rlght Hrre Wsiting Flr Y0u Wlill Bde Rlight Hrere Flor Y0ou Willl Bed Rilght Herre Wasiting Folr Yo0u
Woll Bw Roght H4re Wwiting Fir Ylu Woill Bwe Roight H4ere Wwaiting Fior Ylou Wioll Bew Rioght He4re Wawiting Foir Yolu Wkll Rkght Hdre Wxiting Forr Yiu
Wkill Rkight Hdere Wxaiting Fo Yiou Wikll Rikght Hedre Waxiting For Yoiu W8ll R8ght Hwre Waiiting Fod Youu W8ill R8ight Hwere Wating Fodr Yo
Wi8ll Ri8ght Hewre Watiing Ford You Wull Rught Wajting Fo4 Yoh Wuill Ruight Hee Wajiting Fo4r Yohu Wiull Riught Heer Waijting For4 Youh
Rigght Hede Wa9ting Fog Yo7 Wil Riht Wa9iting Fogr Yo7u Will Rihgt Herde Wai9ting Forg You7 Wikl Rihht He4e Walting Fot Yok
Rihght Waliting Fotr Wilkl Righht Her4e Wailting Fort Youk Wiol Riyht Hege Waoting Fo5 Yoi Riyght Hegre Waoiting Fo5r
Wilol Rigyht Herge Waioting For5 Youi Wipl Ribht Hete Wakting Fof Yo8 Wipll Ribght Hetre Wakiting Fofr Yo8u Wilpl Rigbht Herte Waikting Forf You8
Rivht He5e Wa8ting Foe Yoj Rivght He5re Wa8iting Foer Yoju Rigvht Her5e Wai8ting Fore Youj Wilk Rifht Hefe Wauting Yoy
Rifght Wauiting Yoyu Willk Rigfht Herfe Waiuting Youy Wilo Ritht Heee Waitting Ritght Waiing
Willo Rigtht Heree Waiitng Wilp Waifing Rigt Her Waifting Willp Rigth Here Waitfing

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