Bruno Mars
Madly In Love With You

Madly In Love With You

See you down there everyday
Trying to find a different way
To build some kind of latter to the sky

Trying to find some way to see
Secrets of eternity, and they don't come all at once
And you don't know why

Well how do you think it feels to hear you screaming out my name
While all the while I'm trying to open up your heart
See you when you cry yourself to sleep
It's tearing me apart

I know you wish you could see me
That's the way it has to be
Someday you'll understand,
don't you lose your faith in me

I know you wish you could hear me
Sometimes it's so hard to do
But every morning sunrise it says
I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you

I know that you're waiting for,
A chance to come in from the war
If only a moment, if only a day

A place where you feel safe and warm
A sanctuary from the storm
Until all of these questions fade away

But I cannot count on all the signs
You've passed away as mere coincidence
And im running out of ways to break through
Like a lonely lover, Waiting by the ocean
Ill never give up on you

I know you wish you could see me
That's the way it has to be
Someday you'll understand,
Don't you lose your faith in me

I know you wish you could hear me
Sometimes it's so hard to do
But every morning sunrise it says
I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you

Mirror lyrics:

Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
I'm madly in love with you
But every morning sunrise it says
Sometimes it's so hard to do
I know you wish you could hear me

Don't you lose your faith in me
Someday you'll understand,
That's the way it has to be
I know you wish you could see me

Ill never give up on you
Like a lonely lover, Waiting by the ocean
And im running out of ways to break through
You've passed away as mere coincidence
But I cannot count on all the signs

Until all of these questions fade away
A sanctuary from the storm
A place where you feel safe and warm

If only a moment, if only a day
A chance to come in from the war
I know that you're waiting for,

Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
Yes I'm madly in love with you
I'm madly in love with you
But every morning sunrise it says
Sometimes it's so hard to do
I know you wish you could hear me

don't you lose your faith in me
Someday you'll understand,
That's the way it has to be
I know you wish you could see me

It's tearing me apart
See you when you cry yourself to sleep
While all the while I'm trying to open up your heart
Well how do you think it feels to hear you screaming out my name

And you don't know why
Secrets of eternity, and they don't come all at once
Trying to find some way to see

To build some kind of latter to the sky
Trying to find a different way
See you down there everyday

Madly In Love With You

Relevant Tags:
MMadly IIn LLove WWith YYou adly n ove ith ou aMdly nI oLve iWth oYu jadly jn kove aith gou jMadly jIn kLove aWith gYou Mjadly Ijn Lkove Waith Ygou
kadly 9n oove 3ith hou kMadly 9In oLove 3With hYou Mkadly I9n Loove W3ith Yhou nadly ln pove dith 6ou nMadly lIn pLove dWith 6You Mnadly Iln Lpove Wdith Y6ou
Maadly on eith uou Mdly oIn Lve eWith uYou Mdaly Ion Lvoe Weith Yuou Mzdly kn Lkve sith 7ou Mzadly kIn sWith 7You Mazdly Ikn Lokve Wsith Y7ou
Mqdly 8n L9ve 2ith jou Mqadly 8In L9ove 2With jYou Maqdly I8n Lo9ve W2ith Yjou Msdly un L0ve qith tou Msadly uIn L0ove qWith tYou Masdly Iun Lo0ve Wqith Ytou
Mwdly Inn Llve Wiith Yoou Mwadly I Llove Wth Yu Mawdly In Lolve Wtih Yuo Mxdly Im Live Wjth Yku Mxadly Imn Liove Wjith Ykou Maxdly Inm Loive Wijth Yoku
Maddly Ih Lovve W9th Y9u Maly Ihn Loe W9ith Y9ou Maldy Inh Loev Wi9th Yo9u Maxly Ij Lobe Wlth Y0u Lobve Wlith Y0ou Madxly Inj Lovbe Wilth Yo0u
Maely Ib Loce Woth Ylu Maedly Ibn Locve Woith Ylou Madely Inb Lovce Wioth Yolu Mafly Loge Wkth Yiu Mafdly Logve Wkith Yiou Madfly Lovge Wikth Yoiu
Marly Lofe W8th Youu Mardly Lofve W8ith Yo Madrly Lovfe Wi8th You

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