End Of The Line

I save all my suffering for myself
I won't share the things I feel with anyone else
Try to bury the night leave it far behind
Don't want to call it by name but I think it's the end of the line

End of the line

With a loveless heart I'll face you up tonight
Cause you're the only true thing I have left in my life
I'll carry those demons wherever I go
There's a hot wind blowing but it won't bring me home

End of the line

We're all losing grip we're all on the edge
High above the street on our own personal ledge
I don't know your problems and I can't life your life
We've got a different ball and chain and I can't stop the night
Give me air I need room to breathe those demons are in me
And I can't make them leave
I'm coming up for air and I get pushed back down
It's all up in flames and I can't put them out
Thought I was ready but I watched my chance pass by
And the road I've chosen is coming to the end of the line

End of the line

Mirror lyrics:

End of the line

And the road I've chosen is coming to the end of the line
Thought I was ready but I watched my chance pass by
It's all up in flames and I can't put them out
I'm coming up for air and I get pushed back down
And I can't make them leave
Give me air I need room to breathe those demons are in me
We've got a different ball and chain and I can't stop the night
I don't know your problems and I can't life your life
High above the street on our own personal ledge
We're all losing grip we're all on the edge

End of the line

There's a hot wind blowing but it won't bring me home
I'll carry those demons wherever I go
Cause you're the only true thing I have left in my life
With a loveless heart I'll face you up tonight

End of the line

Don't want to call it by name but I think it's the end of the line
Try to bury the night leave it far behind
I won't share the things I feel with anyone else
I save all my suffering for myself

Relevant Tags:
EEnd OOf TThe LLine nd f he ine nEd fO hTe iLne snd kf fhe kine sEnd kOf fThe kLine Esnd Okf Tfhe Lkine 3nd 9f 5he oine
3End 9Of 5The oLine E3nd O9f T5he Loine fnd 0f hhe pine fEnd 0Of hThe pLine Efnd O0f Thhe Lpine rnd lf yhe Liine rEnd lOf yThe Lne
Ernd Olf Tyhe Lnie 4nd if 6he Ljne 4End iOf 6The Ljine E4nd Oif T6he Lijne dnd Off ghe L9ne dEnd O gThe L9ine Ednd Of Tghe Li9ne
wnd Oc rhe Llne wEnd Ocf rThe Lline Ewnd Ofc Trhe Lilne Ennd Or Lone Ed Orf Te Edn Ofr Teh Lione Emd Og Tje Lkne
Emnd Ogf Tjhe Enmd Ofg Thje Likne Ehd Ot Tue L8ne Ehnd Otf Tuhe L8ine Enhd Oft Thue Li8ne Ejd Ov Tne Lune Ejnd Ovf Tnhe Luine
Enjd Ofv Thne Liune

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