Burt Bacharach
One Less Bell To Answer

Verse 1:

One less bell to answer
One less egg to fry
One less man to pick up after
I should be happy
But all i do is cry

Verse 2:

(cry, cry, no more laughter) i should be happy
(oh, why did he go)
Since he left my life's so empty


Though i try to forget it just can't be done
Each time the doorbell rings i still run
I don't know how in the world
To stop thinking of him
'cause i still love him so
I spend each day the way i start out
Crying my heart out

Verse 3 (first two lines instrumental):

One less man to pick up after
No more laughter, no more love
Since he went away (he went away)


(one less bell to answer) why did he leave me
(why, why, why did he leave)
(one less bell to answer) now i've got one less egg to fry
One less egg to fry
(why, why, why did he leave) and all i do is cry
(one less bell to answer) because a man told me goodbye
(why, why, why did he leave)
(one less bell to answer) somebody tell me please
Where did he go, why did he go
(why, why, why did he leave) how could he leave me

Mirror lyrics:

(why, why, why did he leave) how could he leave me
Where did he go, why did he go
(one less bell to answer) somebody tell me please
(why, why, why did he leave)
(one less bell to answer) because a man told me goodbye
(why, why, why did he leave) and all i do is cry
One less egg to fry
(one less bell to answer) now i've got one less egg to fry
(why, why, why did he leave)
(one less bell to answer) why did he leave me


Since he went away (he went away)
No more laughter, no more love
One less man to pick up after

Verse 3 (first two lines instrumental):

Crying my heart out
I spend each day the way i start out
'cause i still love him so
To stop thinking of him
I don't know how in the world
Each time the doorbell rings i still run
Though i try to forget it just can't be done


Since he left my life's so empty
(oh, why did he go)
(cry, cry, no more laughter) i should be happy

Verse 2:

But all i do is cry
I should be happy
One less man to pick up after
One less egg to fry
One less bell to answer

Verse 1:

Relevant Tags:
OOne LLess BBell TTo AAnswer ne ess ell o nswer nOe eLss eBll oT nAswer kne kess vell fo znswer kOne kLess vBell fTo zAnswer Okne Lkess Bvell Tfo Aznswer
9ne oess gell 5o qnswer 9One oLess gBell 5To qAnswer O9ne Loess Bgell T5o Aqnswer 0ne pess nell ho snswer 0One pLess nBell hTo sAnswer O0ne Lpess Bnell Tho Asnswer
lne Leess hell yo wnswer lOne Lss hBell yTo wAnswer Olne Lses Bhell Tyo Awnswer ine Lsss Beell 6o xnswer iOne Lsess Bll 6To xAnswer Oine Lesss Blel T6o Axnswer
Onne L3ss Bsll go Annswer Oe L3ess Bsell gTo Aswer Oen Le3ss Besll Tgo Asnwer Ome Lfss B3ll ro Amswer Omne Lfess B3ell rTo Amnswer Onme Lefss Be3ll Tro Anmswer
Ohe Lrss Bfll Too Ahswer Ohne Lress Bfell T Ahnswer Onhe Lerss Befll To Anhswer Oje L4ss Brll Tk Ajswer Ojne L4ess Brell Tko Ajnswer Onje Le4ss Berll Tok Anjswer
Obe Ldss B4ll T9 Abswer Obne Ldess B4ell T9o Abnswer Onbe Ledss Be4ll To9 Anbswer Onee Lwss Bdll T0 Ansswer On Lwess Bdell T0o Anwer One Lewss Bedll To0 Anwser
Ons Bwll Tl Anzwer Onse Les Bwell Tlo Anzswer Ones Less Bewll Tol Anszwer On3 Lezs Belll Ti Anwwer On3e Lezss Bel Tio Anwswer One3 Leszs Bell Toi Answwer
Onf Lews Bekl Andwer Onfe Bekll Andswer Onef Lesws Belkl Ansdwer Onr Leds Beol Anewer Onre Beoll Aneswer Oner Lesds Belol Ansewer
On4 Lees Bepl Anxwer On4e Bepll Anxswer One4 Leses Belpl Ansxwer Ond Lexs Anawer Onde Lexss Anaswer Oned Lesxs Ansawer
Onw Leas Belk Onwe Leass Anser

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