Burt Bacharach
Lost Horizon

Have you ever dreamed of a place
Far away from it all
Where the air you breathe is soft and clean
And children play in fields of green
And the sound of guns
Doesn¹t pound in your ears (anymore)

Have you ever dreamed of a place
Far away from it all
Where the winter winds will never blow
And living things have room to grow
And the sound of guns
Doesn¹t pound in your ears anymore.

Many miles from yesterday before you reach tomorrow
Where the time is always just today
There¹s a lost horizon________waiting to be found.
There¹s a lost horizon
Where the sound of guns
Doesn¹t pound in your ears

Mirror lyrics:

Doesn¹t pound in your ears
Where the sound of guns
There¹s a lost horizon
There¹s a lost horizon________waiting to be found.
Where the time is always just today
Many miles from yesterday before you reach tomorrow

Doesn¹t pound in your ears anymore.
And the sound of guns
And living things have room to grow
Where the winter winds will never blow
Far away from it all
Have you ever dreamed of a place

Doesn¹t pound in your ears (anymore)
And the sound of guns
And children play in fields of green
Where the air you breathe is soft and clean
Far away from it all
Have you ever dreamed of a place

Relevant Tags:
LLost HHorizon ost orizon oLst oHrizon kost jorizon kLost jHorizon Lkost Hjorizon oost uorizon oLost uHorizon Loost Huorizon
post norizon pLost nHorizon Lpost Hnorizon borizon Lst bHorizon Lsot Hborizon Lkst gorizon gHorizon Lokst Hgorizon
L9st yorizon L9ost yHorizon Lo9st Hyorizon L0st Hoorizon L0ost Hrizon Lo0st Hroizon Llst Hkrizon Llost Hkorizon Lolst Hokrizon
List H9rizon Liost H9orizon Loist Ho9rizon Losst H0rizon Lot H0orizon Lots Ho0rizon Lozt Hlrizon Lozst Hlorizon Loszt Holrizon
Lowt Hirizon Lowst Hiorizon Loswt Hoirizon Lodt Horrizon Lodst Hoizon Losdt Hoirzon Loet Hodizon Loest Hodrizon Loset Hordizon
Loxt Ho4izon Loxst Ho4rizon Losxt Hor4izon Loat Hogizon Loast Hogrizon Losat Horgizon Lostt Hotizon Los Hotrizon Lost Hortizon
Losf Ho5izon Losft Ho5rizon Lostf Hor5izon Los5 Hofizon Los5t Hofrizon Lost5 Horfizon Losh Hoeizon Losht Hoerizon Losth Horeizon
Losy Horiizon Losyt Horzon Losty Horzion

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