Burt Bacharach
God Give Me Strength

Now i have nothing, so god give me strength
'cause i'm weak in her wake
And if i'm strong i might still brea
And i don't have anything to share
That i won't throw away into the air

That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
She was the light that i'd bless
She took my last chance at happiness
So god give me strength, god give me strength

I can't hold onto her, god give me strength
When the phone doesn't ring
And i'm lost in imagining
Everything that kind of love is worth
As i tumble back down to the earth

That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
She was the light that i'd bless

She took my last chance at happiness
So god give me strength

God if she'd grant me her indulgence and decline
I might as well, wipe her from my memory
Fracture the spell, as she becomes my enemy
Maybe i was washed out like a lip-print on my shirt
See, i'm only human, i want her to hurt
I want her
I want her to hurt


Since i lost the power to pretend
That there could ever be a happy ending

That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
She was the light that i'd bless
She took my last chance at happiness
So god give me strength, god give me strength

Mirror lyrics:

So god give me strength, god give me strength
She took my last chance at happiness
She was the light that i'd bless
This bell is rung out
That song is sung out

That there could ever be a happy ending
Since i lost the power to pretend


I want her to hurt
I want her
See, i'm only human, i want her to hurt
Maybe i was washed out like a lip-print on my shirt
Fracture the spell, as she becomes my enemy
I might as well, wipe her from my memory
God if she'd grant me her indulgence and decline

So god give me strength
She took my last chance at happiness

She was the light that i'd bless
This bell is rung out
That song is sung out

As i tumble back down to the earth
Everything that kind of love is worth
And i'm lost in imagining
When the phone doesn't ring
I can't hold onto her, god give me strength

So god give me strength, god give me strength
She took my last chance at happiness
She was the light that i'd bless
This bell is rung out
That song is sung out

That i won't throw away into the air
And i don't have anything to share
And if i'm strong i might still brea
'cause i'm weak in her wake
Now i have nothing, so god give me strength

Relevant Tags:
GGod GGive MMe SStrength od ive e trength oGd iGve eM tSrength hod hive je ztrength hGod hGive jMe zStrength Ghod Ghive Mje Sztrength
yod yive ke wtrength yGod yGive kMe wStrength Gyod Gyive Mke Swtrength bod bive ne dtrength bGod bGive nMe dStrength Gbod Gbive Mne Sdtrength
vod vive Mee etrength vGod vGive M eStrength Gvod Gvive Me Setrength fod five Ms xtrength fGod fGive Mse xStrength Gfod Gfive Mes Sxtrength
tod tive M3 atrength tGod tGive M3e aStrength Gtod Gtive Me3 Satrength Good Giive Mf Sttrength Gd Gve Mfe Srength Gdo Gvie Mef Srtength
Gkd Gjve Mr Sfrength Gkod Gjive Mre Sftrength Gokd Gijve Mer Stfrength G9d G9ve M4 S5rength G9od G9ive M4e S5trength Go9d Gi9ve Me4 St5rength
G0d Glve Md Shrength G0od Glive Mde Shtrength Go0d Gilve Med Sthrength Gld Gove Mw Syrength Glod Goive Mwe Sytrength Gold Giove Mew Styrength
Gid Gkve S6rength Giod Gkive S6trength Goid Gikve St6rength Godd G8ve Sgrength Go G8ive Sgtrength God Gi8ve Stgrength
Gox Guve Srrength Goxd Guive Srtrength Godx Giuve Strrength Goe Givve Goed Gie Stength Gode Giev Sterngth
Gof Gibe Stdength Gofd Gibve Stdrength Godf Givbe Strdength Gor Gice St4ength Gord Gicve St4rength Godr Givce Str4ength
Goc Gige Stgength Gocd Gigve Godc Givge Strgength Gos Gife Sttength Gosd Gifve Gods Givfe Strtength
Givee St5ength Giv Give Str5ength Givs Stfength Givse Gives Strfength
Giv3 Steength Giv3e Sterength Give3 Streength Givf Strngth Givef Strnegth
Givr Strsngth Givre Strsength Giver Stresngth Giv4 Str3ngth Giv4e Str3ength

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