Burl Ives
The Riddle Song

Artist: Burl Ives
Title: The riddle song

I gave my love a cherry
That had no stone
I gave my love a chicken
That had no bone
I told my love a story
That had no end
I gave my love a baby
With no crying.

How can there be a cherry
That has no stone?
And how can there be a chicken
That has no bone?
And how can there be a story
That has no end?
And how can there be a baby
With no crying?

A cherry when it's blooming
It has no stone
A chicken when in the shell
It has no bone
The story of how I love you
It has no end
A baby when it's sleeping
It's not crying.

Mirror lyrics:

It's not crying.
A baby when it's sleeping
It has no end
The story of how I love you
It has no bone
A chicken when in the shell
It has no stone
A cherry when it's blooming

With no crying?
And how can there be a baby
That has no end?
And how can there be a story
That has no bone?
And how can there be a chicken
That has no stone?
How can there be a cherry

With no crying.
I gave my love a baby
That had no end
I told my love a story
That had no bone
I gave my love a chicken
That had no stone
I gave my love a cherry

Title: The riddle song
Artist: Burl Ives

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRiddle SSong he iddle ong hTe iRddle oSng fhe diddle zong fThe dRiddle zSong Tfhe Rdiddle Szong 5he 4iddle wong
5The 4Riddle wSong T5he R4iddle Swong hhe giddle dong hThe gRiddle dSong Thhe Rgiddle Sdong yhe tiddle eong yThe tRiddle eSong
Tyhe Rtiddle Seong 6he 5iddle xong 6The 5Riddle xSong T6he R5iddle Sxong ghe fiddle aong gThe fRiddle aSong Tghe Rfiddle Saong
rhe eiddle Soong rThe eRiddle Sng Trhe Reiddle Snog Riiddle Skng Te Rddle Skong Teh Rdidle Sokng Tje Rjddle S9ng
Tjhe Rjiddle S9ong Thje Rijddle So9ng Tue R9ddle S0ng Tuhe R9iddle S0ong Thue Ri9ddle So0ng Tne Rlddle Slng Tnhe Rliddle Slong
Thne Rilddle Solng Tbe Roddle Sing Tbhe Roiddle Siong Thbe Rioddle Soing Tge Rkddle Sonng Rkiddle Sog Thge Rikddle Sogn
Tye R8ddle Somg R8iddle Somng Thye Ri8ddle Sonmg Thee Ruddle Sohg Th Ruiddle Sohng The Riuddle Sonhg Ths Ridddle Sojg
Thse Ridle Sojng Thes Riddle Sonjg Th3 Rixdle Sobg Th3e Rixddle Sobng The3 Ridxdle Sonbg Thf Riedle Songg Thfe Rieddle Son
Thef Ridedle Song Thr Rifdle Sonh Thre Rifddle

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