Burl Ives
The Lavender Cowboy

Burl Ives - The Lavender Cowboy

He was only a lavender cowboy,
The hairs on his chest were two,
But he wished to follow the heroes
And fight like the he-men do.
But he was inwardly troubled
By a dream that gave him no rest,
That he'd go with his heroes in action
With only two hairs on his chest.
First he tried many a hair tonic.
'Twas rubbed in on him each night.
But still when he looked in the mirror
Those two hairs were ever in sight.
But with a spirit undaunted
He wandered out to fight,
Just like an old-time knight errant
To win combat for the right.
He battled for Red Nellie's honor
And cleaned out a holdup's nest
He died with his six guns a-smoking
With only two hairs on his chest.

Mirror lyrics:

With only two hairs on his chest.
He died with his six guns a-smoking
And cleaned out a holdup's nest
He battled for Red Nellie's honor
To win combat for the right.
Just like an old-time knight errant
He wandered out to fight,
But with a spirit undaunted
Those two hairs were ever in sight.
But still when he looked in the mirror
'Twas rubbed in on him each night.
First he tried many a hair tonic.
With only two hairs on his chest.
That he'd go with his heroes in action
By a dream that gave him no rest,
But he was inwardly troubled
And fight like the he-men do.
But he wished to follow the heroes
The hairs on his chest were two,
He was only a lavender cowboy,

Burl Ives - The Lavender Cowboy

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLavender CCowboy he avender owboy hTe aLvender oCwboy fhe kavender fowboy fThe kLavender fCowboy Tfhe Lkavender Cfowboy
5he oavender xowboy 5The oLavender xCowboy T5he Loavender Cxowboy hhe pavender vowboy hThe pLavender vCowboy Thhe Lpavender Cvowboy
yhe Laavender dowboy yThe Lvender dCowboy Tyhe Lvaender Cdowboy 6he Lzvender Coowboy 6The Lzavender Cwboy T6he Lazvender Cwoboy
ghe Lqvender Ckwboy gThe Lqavender Ckowboy Tghe Laqvender Cokwboy rhe Lsvender C9wboy rThe Lsavender C9owboy Trhe Lasvender Co9wboy
Lwvender C0wboy Te Lwavender C0owboy Teh Lawvender Co0wboy Tje Lxvender Clwboy Tjhe Lxavender Clowboy Thje Laxvender Colwboy
Tue Lavvender Ciwboy Tuhe Laender Ciowboy Thue Laevnder Coiwboy Tne Labender Cowwboy Tnhe Labvender Coboy Thne Lavbender Cobwoy
Tbe Lacender Coaboy Tbhe Lacvender Coawboy Thbe Lavcender Cowaboy Tge Lagender Co3boy Lagvender Co3wboy Thge Lavgender Cow3boy
Tye Lafender Codboy Lafvender Codwboy Thye Lavfender Cowdboy Thee Laveender Coeboy Th Lavnder Coewboy The Lavneder Coweboy
Ths Lavsnder Cosboy Thse Lavsender Coswboy Thes Lavesnder Cowsboy Th3 Lav3nder Co2boy Th3e Lav3ender Co2wboy The3 Lave3nder Cow2boy
Thf Lavfnder Coqboy Thfe Coqwboy Thef Lavefnder Cowqboy Thr Lavrnder Cowbboy Thre Lavrender Cowoy Ther Lavernder Cowoby
Th4 Lav4nder Cowvoy Th4e Lav4ender Cowvboy The4 Lave4nder Cowbvoy Thd Lavdnder Cowgoy Thde Lavdender Cowgboy Thed Lavednder Cowbgoy
Thw Lavwnder Cownoy Thwe Lavwender Cownboy Thew Lavewnder Cowbnoy Lavennder Cowhoy Laveder Cowhboy

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