Burl Ives
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen
But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight
Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
You'll go down in history


Mirror lyrics:


You'll go down in history
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
As they shouted out with glee
Then how the reindeer loved him
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Santa came to say
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Join in any reindeer games
They never let poor Rudolph
Used to laugh and call him names
All of the other reindeer
You would even say it glows
And if you ever saw it
Had a very shiny nose
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen

Relevant Tags:
RRudolph TThe RRed NNosed RReindeer udolph he ed osed eindeer uRdolph hTe eRd oNsed eRindeer dudolph fhe ded mosed deindeer dRudolph fThe dRed mNosed dReindeer
Rdudolph Tfhe Rded Nmosed Rdeindeer 4udolph 5he 4ed hosed 4eindeer 4Rudolph 5The 4Red hNosed 4Reindeer R4udolph T5he R4ed Nhosed R4eindeer gudolph hhe ged josed geindeer
gRudolph hThe gRed jNosed gReindeer Rgudolph Thhe Rged Njosed Rgeindeer tudolph yhe ted bosed teindeer tRudolph yThe tRed bNosed tReindeer Rtudolph Tyhe Rted Nbosed Rteindeer
5udolph 6he 5ed Noosed 5eindeer 5Rudolph 6The 5Red Nsed 5Reindeer R5udolph T6he R5ed Nsoed R5eindeer fudolph ghe fed Nksed feindeer fRudolph gThe fRed Nkosed fReindeer
Rfudolph Tghe Rfed Noksed Rfeindeer eudolph rhe eed N9sed eeindeer eRudolph rThe eRed N9osed eReindeer Reudolph Trhe Reed No9sed Reeindeer Ruudolph N0sed
Rdolph Te Rd N0osed Rindeer Rduolph Teh Rde No0sed Riendeer Rhdolph Tje Rsd Nlsed Rsindeer Rhudolph Tjhe Rsed Nlosed Rseindeer Ruhdolph Thje Resd Nolsed Resindeer
R7dolph Tue R3d Nised R3indeer R7udolph Tuhe R3ed Niosed R3eindeer Ru7dolph Thue Re3d Noised Re3indeer Rkdolph Tne Rfd Nossed Rfindeer Rkudolph Tnhe Noed
Rukdolph Thne Refd Noesd Refindeer Ridolph Tbe Rrd Nozed Rrindeer Riudolph Tbhe Rred Nozsed Rreindeer Ruidolph Thbe Rerd Noszed Rerindeer R8dolph Tge R4d Nowed R4indeer
R8udolph Nowsed Ru8dolph Thge Re4d Noswed Re4indeer Rjdolph Tye Rdd Noded Rdindeer Rjudolph Nodsed Rujdolph Thye Redd Nosded Redindeer
Rydolph Thee Rwd Noeed Rwindeer Ryudolph Th Rwed Noesed Rweindeer Ruydolph The Rewd Noseed Rewindeer Ruddolph Ths Noxed Reiindeer Ruolph Thse Re Noxsed Rendeer
Ruodlph Thes Red Nosxed Renideer Ruxolph Th3 Rex Noaed Rejndeer Ruxdolph Th3e Rexd Noased Rejindeer Rudxolph The3 Redx Nosaed Reijndeer Rueolph Thf Ree Re9ndeer
Ruedolph Thfe Nosd Re9indeer Rudeolph Thef Rede Nosde Rei9ndeer Rufolph Thr Ref Nossd Relndeer Rufdolph Thre Relindeer Rudfolph Ther Redf Nosesd Reilndeer
Rurolph Th4 Rer Nos3d Reondeer Rurdolph Th4e Nos3ed Reoindeer Rudrolph The4 Redr Nose3d Reiondeer Rucolph Thd Rec Nosfd Rekndeer Rucdolph Thde Recd Nosfed Rekindeer
Rudcolph Thed Redc Nosefd Reikndeer Rusolph Thw Res Nosrd Re8ndeer Rusdolph Thwe Nosred Re8indeer Rudsolph Thew Reds Noserd Rei8ndeer Rudoolph Nos4d Reundeer
Rudlph Nos4ed Reuindeer Rudloph Nose4d Reiundeer Rudklph Nosdd Reinndeer Rudkolph Reideer Rudoklph Nosedd Reidneer
Rud9lph Noswd Reimdeer Rud9olph Reimndeer Rudo9lph Nosewd Reinmdeer

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