Burl Ives
Green Grass Of Home

Burl Ives - Green grass of home

The old home town looks the same,
As I step down from the train,
And there to meet me is my mama and papa
Down the road I look and there runs Mary
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home

Yes, they'll all be there to meet me,
All creatures smiling sweetly
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home

The old house is still standing,
Though the paint is cracked and dry
And there's an old oak tree that I used to play on
Down the lane I'll walk with my sweet Mary
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home

Then I awake and look around me
Cold gray walls surround me
And I realize that I was only dreamin'
There's a guard and there's a sad old padre
Arm and arm we'll walk at daybreak
Again I'll touch the green, green grass of home

Yes, they'll all be there to meet me
In the shadow of that old oak tree
As they lay me beneath the green, green grass of home

Mirror lyrics:

As they lay me beneath the green, green grass of home
In the shadow of that old oak tree
Yes, they'll all be there to meet me

Again I'll touch the green, green grass of home
Arm and arm we'll walk at daybreak
There's a guard and there's a sad old padre
And I realize that I was only dreamin'
Cold gray walls surround me
Then I awake and look around me

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
Down the lane I'll walk with my sweet Mary
And there's an old oak tree that I used to play on
Though the paint is cracked and dry
The old house is still standing,

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
All creatures smiling sweetly
Yes, they'll all be there to meet me,

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home
Hair of gold and lips like cherries
Down the road I look and there runs Mary
And there to meet me is my mama and papa
As I step down from the train,
The old home town looks the same,

Burl Ives - Green grass of home

Relevant Tags:
GGreen GGrass OOf HHome reen rass f ome rGeen rGass fO oHme hreen hrass kf jome hGreen hGrass kOf jHome Ghreen Ghrass Okf Hjome
yreen yrass 9f uome yGreen yGrass 9Of uHome Gyreen Gyrass O9f Huome breen brass 0f nome bGreen bGrass 0Of nHome Gbreen Gbrass O0f Hnome
vreen vrass lf bome vGreen vGrass lOf bHome Gvreen Gvrass Olf Hbome freen frass if gome fGreen fGrass iOf gHome Gfreen Gfrass Oif Hgome
treen trass Off yome tGreen tGrass O yHome Gtreen Gtrass Of Hyome Grreen Grrass Oc Hoome Geen Gass Ocf Hme Geren Garss Ofc Hmoe
Gdeen Gdass Or Hkme Gdreen Gdrass Orf Hkome Grdeen Grdass Ofr Hokme G4een G4ass Og H9me G4reen G4rass Ogf H9ome Gr4een Gr4ass Ofg Ho9me
Ggeen Ggass Ot H0me Ggreen Ggrass Otf H0ome Grgeen Grgass Oft Ho0me Gteen Gtass Ov Hlme Ovf Hlome Grteen Grtass Ofv Holme
G5een G5ass Od Hime G5reen G5rass Odf Hiome Gr5een Gr5ass Ofd Hoime Gfeen Gfass Homme Hoe Grfeen Grfass Hoem
Geeen Geass Hoje Gereen Gerass Hojme Greeen Greass Homje Graass Hoke

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