Burt Bacharach
Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa

Dearest darling
I had to write to say that i won't be home anymore
'cause something happened to me
While i was driving home and i'm not the same anymore

Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa
Ah, only one day away from your arms
I saw a welcoming night
And stopped to rest for the night

And that is when i saw her
As i pulled in outside of the small hotel she was there
And so i walked up to her
Asked where i could get something to eat and she showed me where

Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa
Ah, only one day away from your arms
She took me to the cafe

I asked her if she would stay
She said "o. k."

Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa
Ah, only one day away from your arms
The jukebox started to play
And nighttime turned into day

As we were dancing closely
All of a sudden i lost control as i held her charms
And i caressed her kissed her
Told her i'd die before i would let her out of my arms

Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa
Ah, only one day away from your arms
I hate to do this to you
But i love somebody new
What can i do?

And i can never, never, never
Go home again

Mirror lyrics:

Go home again
And i can never, never, never

What can i do?
But i love somebody new
I hate to do this to you
Ah, only one day away from your arms
Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa

Told her i'd die before i would let her out of my arms
And i caressed her kissed her
All of a sudden i lost control as i held her charms
As we were dancing closely

And nighttime turned into day
The jukebox started to play
Ah, only one day away from your arms
Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa

She said "o. k."
I asked her if she would stay

She took me to the cafe
Ah, only one day away from your arms
Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa

Asked where i could get something to eat and she showed me where
And so i walked up to her
As i pulled in outside of the small hotel she was there
And that is when i saw her

And stopped to rest for the night
I saw a welcoming night
Ah, only one day away from your arms
Oh, i was only twenty-four hours from tulsa

While i was driving home and i'm not the same anymore
'cause something happened to me
I had to write to say that i won't be home anymore
Dearest darling

Relevant Tags:
TTwenty FFour HHours FFrom TTulsa wenty our ours rom ulsa wTenty oFur oHurs rFom uTlsa fwenty cour jours crom fulsa fTwenty cFour jHours cFrom fTulsa
Tfwenty Fcour Hjours Fcrom Tfulsa 5wenty rour uours rrom 5ulsa 5Twenty rFour uHours rFrom 5Tulsa T5wenty Frour Huours Frrom T5ulsa hwenty gour nours grom hulsa
hTwenty gFour nHours gFrom hTulsa Thwenty Fgour Hnours Fgrom Thulsa ywenty tour bours trom yulsa yTwenty tFour bHours tFrom yTulsa Tywenty Ftour Hbours Ftrom Tyulsa
6wenty vour gours vrom 6ulsa 6Twenty vFour gHours vFrom 6Tulsa T6wenty Fvour Hgours Fvrom T6ulsa gwenty dour yours drom gulsa gTwenty dFour yHours dFrom gTulsa
Tgwenty Fdour Hyours Fdrom Tgulsa rwenty Foour Hoours rulsa rTwenty Fur Hurs Fom rTulsa Trwenty Fuor Huors Form Trulsa Twwenty Fkur Hkurs Fdom Tuulsa
Tenty Fkour Hkours Tlsa Tewnty Fokur Hokurs Frdom Tlusa Taenty F9ur H9urs F4om Thlsa Tawenty F9our H9ours F4rom Twaenty Fo9ur Ho9urs Fr4om Tuhlsa
T3enty F0ur H0urs Fgom T7lsa T3wenty F0our H0ours T7ulsa Tw3enty Fo0ur Ho0urs Frgom Tu7lsa Tdenty Flur Hlurs Ftom Tklsa Tdwenty Flour Hlours Tkulsa
Twdenty Folur Holurs Frtom Tuklsa Teenty Fiur Hiurs F5om Tilsa Tewenty Fiour Hiours F5rom Tiulsa Tweenty Foiur Hoiurs Fr5om Tuilsa Tsenty Fouur Houurs Ffom T8lsa
Tswenty For Hors Ffrom T8ulsa Twsenty Foru Horus Frfom Tu8lsa T2enty Fohr Hohrs Feom Tjlsa T2wenty Fohur Hohurs Ferom Tjulsa Tw2enty Fouhr Houhrs Freom Tujlsa
Tqenty Fo7r Ho7rs Froom Tylsa Tqwenty Fo7ur Ho7urs Frm Twqenty Fou7r Hou7rs Frmo Tuylsa Fokr Hokrs Frkm Tullsa Twnty Frkom Tusa
Twnety Foukr Houkrs Frokm Tusla Twsnty Foir Hoirs Fr9m Tuksa Fr9om Twesnty Fouir Houirs Fro9m Tulksa Tw3nty Fo8r Ho8rs Fr0m Tuosa
Fo8ur Ho8urs Fr0om Tuolsa Twe3nty Fou8r Hou8rs Fro0m Tulosa Twfnty Fojr Hojrs Frlm Tupsa Twfenty Fojur Hojurs Frlom Tuplsa Twefnty Foujr Houjrs Frolm Tulpsa
Twrnty Foyr Hoyrs Frim Tulssa Twrenty Foyur Hoyurs Friom Tula

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