Brooks & Dunn
Proud Of The House We Built

I dropped to my knees in that field on your daddy's farm
Asked you to marry me, all I had to give was my heart
While other kids went diving into swimming holes
You and me dove off into the great unknown
We were barely gettin' by, takin' care of each other
Then I became a daddy; you became a mother
Was an uphill battle nearly every day
Lookin' back I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm proud of the house we built
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
A lot of things will come and go but love never will
Oh, I'm proud. I'm proud of the house we built.

Still workin' our way through the land of milk and honey
At the end of the day there's always more bills than money
I close my eyes at night and I still feel
The same fire in my heart I fell out in that feild.

I'm proud of the house we built
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
A lot of things will come and go but love never will
Oh, I'm proud. I'm proud of the house we built.

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, look at us today
Oh, we've come such a long, long way.

I'm proud of the house we built
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
Not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
A lot of things will come and go but love never will.

I'm proud of the house we built
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
A lot of things will come and go but love never will
I'm proud. Oh, I'm proud of the house

I'm proud, Yeah I'm proud of the house
I'm proud, Yeah I'm proud of the house we built...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm proud, Yeah I'm proud of the house we built...
I'm proud, Yeah I'm proud of the house

I'm proud. Oh, I'm proud of the house
A lot of things will come and go but love never will
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
I'm proud of the house we built

A lot of things will come and go but love never will.
Not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
I'm proud of the house we built

Oh, we've come such a long, long way.
Oh, look at us today

--- Instrumental ---

Oh, I'm proud. I'm proud of the house we built.
A lot of things will come and go but love never will
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
I'm proud of the house we built

The same fire in my heart I fell out in that feild.
I close my eyes at night and I still feel
At the end of the day there's always more bills than money
Still workin' our way through the land of milk and honey

Oh, I'm proud. I'm proud of the house we built.
A lot of things will come and go but love never will
It's not a big place sittin' up high on some hill
It's stronger than sticks, stones, and steel
I'm proud of the house we built

Lookin' back I wouldn't have it any other way.
Was an uphill battle nearly every day
Then I became a daddy; you became a mother
We were barely gettin' by, takin' care of each other
You and me dove off into the great unknown
While other kids went diving into swimming holes
Asked you to marry me, all I had to give was my heart
I dropped to my knees in that field on your daddy's farm

Relevant Tags:
PProud OOf TThe HHouse WWe BBuilt roud f he ouse e uilt rPoud fO hTe oHuse eW uBilt 0roud kf fhe jouse ae vuilt 0Proud kOf fThe jHouse aWe vBuilt
P0roud Okf Tfhe Hjouse Wae Bvuilt lroud 9f 5he uouse 3e guilt lProud 9Of 5The uHouse 3We gBuilt Plroud O9f T5he Huouse W3e Bguilt oroud 0f hhe nouse de nuilt
oProud 0Of hThe nHouse dWe nBuilt Poroud O0f Thhe Hnouse Wde Bnuilt Prroud lf yhe bouse ee huilt Poud lOf yThe bHouse eWe hBuilt Porud Olf Tyhe Hbouse Wee Bhuilt
Pdoud if 6he gouse se Buuilt Pdroud iOf 6The gHouse sWe Bilt Prdoud Oif T6he Hgouse Wse Biult P4oud Off ghe youse 2e Bhilt P4roud O gThe yHouse 2We
Pr4oud Of Tghe Hyouse W2e Buhilt Pgoud Oc rhe Hoouse qe B7ilt Pgroud Ocf rThe Huse qWe B7uilt Prgoud Ofc Trhe Huose Wqe Bu7ilt Ptoud Or Hkuse Bkilt
Ptroud Orf Te Hkouse W Bkuilt Prtoud Ofr Teh Hokuse We Bukilt P5oud Og Tje H9use Ws Biilt P5roud Ogf Tjhe H9ouse Biuilt Pr5oud Ofg Thje Ho9use Wes Buiilt
Pfoud Ot Tue H0use W3 B8ilt Pfroud Otf Tuhe H0ouse B8uilt Prfoud Oft Thue Ho0use We3 Bu8ilt Peoud Ov Tne Hluse Wf Bjilt Peroud Ovf Tnhe Hlouse Wfe Bjuilt
Preoud Ofv Thne Holuse Wef Bujilt Prooud Od Tbe Hiuse Wr Byilt Prud Odf Tbhe Hiouse Wre Byuilt Pruod Ofd Thbe Hoiuse Wer Buyilt Prkud Tge Houuse W4
Prkoud Hose W4e Bult Prokud Thge Hosue We4 Bulit Pr9ud Tye Hohse Wd Bujlt Pr9oud Hohuse Pro9ud Thye Houhse Wed Buijlt
Pr0ud Thee Ho7se Ww Bu9lt Pr0oud Th Ho7use Wwe Bu9ilt Pro0ud The Hou7se Wew Bui9lt Prlud Ths Hokse Bullt Prloud Thse Bulilt
Prolud Thes Houkse Buillt

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