Brooks & Dunn
My Heart Is Lost To You

Maybe it was the moonlight
The scent of you on the breeze
Maybe it was your shadow that fell over me
Such a beautiful stranger
Eyes darker than coal
Your first look crossed the desert
Into my soul

Mi Corazon perdido en ti
My heart is lost to you
You have captured my love completely
My heart is lost to you
Oh my heart is lost to you

Maybe it was the music
The way it moved with your hair
Or the heat of the moment
That hung in the air
But when I saw you there dancing
Mesmerized by your gaze
There was some kind of magic
That led me away

Mi Corazon perdido en ti
My heart is lost to you
You have captured my love completely
My heart is lost to you
Oh my heart is lost to you

Mi Corazon perdido en ti
My heart is lost to you
You have captured my love completely
My heart is lost to you
my heart is lost to you

Mirror lyrics:

my heart is lost to you
My heart is lost to you
You have captured my love completely
My heart is lost to you
Mi Corazon perdido en ti

Oh my heart is lost to you
My heart is lost to you
You have captured my love completely
My heart is lost to you
Mi Corazon perdido en ti

That led me away
There was some kind of magic
Mesmerized by your gaze
But when I saw you there dancing
That hung in the air
Or the heat of the moment
The way it moved with your hair
Maybe it was the music

Oh my heart is lost to you
My heart is lost to you
You have captured my love completely
My heart is lost to you
Mi Corazon perdido en ti

Into my soul
Your first look crossed the desert
Eyes darker than coal
Such a beautiful stranger
Maybe it was your shadow that fell over me
The scent of you on the breeze
Maybe it was the moonlight

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHeart IIs LLost TTo YYou y eart s ost o ou yM eHart sI oLst oT oYu jy jeart js kost fo gou jMy jHeart jIs kLost fTo gYou Mjy Hjeart Ijs Lkost Tfo Ygou
ky ueart 9s oost 5o hou kMy uHeart 9Is oLost 5To hYou Mky Hueart I9s Loost T5o Yhou ny neart ls post ho 6ou nMy nHeart lIs pLost hTo 6You Mny Hneart Ils Lpost Tho Y6ou
Myy beart os yo uou M bHeart oIs Lst yTo uYou My Hbeart Ios Lsot Tyo Yuou Mg geart ks Lkst 6o 7ou Mgy gHeart kIs 6To 7You Myg Hgeart Iks Lokst T6o Y7ou
Mh yeart 8s L9st go jou Mhy yHeart 8Is L9ost gTo jYou Myh Hyeart I8s Lo9st Tgo Yjou M6 Heeart us L0st ro tou M6y Hart uIs L0ost rTo tYou My6 Haert Ius Lo0st Tro Ytou
Mu Hsart Iss Llst Too Yoou Muy Hseart I Llost T Yu Myu Hesart Is Lolst To Yuo M7 H3art Iz List Tk Yku M7y H3eart Izs Liost Tko Ykou My7 He3art Isz Loist Tok Yoku
Mj Hfart Iw Losst T9 Y9u Hfeart Iws Lot T9o Y9ou Myj Hefart Isw Lots To9 Yo9u Mt Hrart Id Lozt T0 Y0u Mty Hreart Ids Lozst T0o Y0ou Myt Herart Isd Loszt To0 Yo0u
H4art Ie Lowt Tl Ylu H4eart Ies Lowst Tlo Ylou He4art Ise Loswt Tol Yolu Hdart Ix Lodt Ti Yiu Hdeart Ixs Lodst Tio Yiou Hedart Isx Losdt Toi Yoiu
Hwart Ia Loet Youu Hweart Ias Loest Yo Hewart Isa Loset You Heaart Loxt Yoh Hert Loxst Yohu Herat Losxt Youh
Hezrt Loat Yo7 Hezart Loast Yo7u Heazrt Losat You7 Heqrt Lostt Yok

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