Brooks & Dunn
Every River

Once upon a time
Somewhere in your past
Someone said "Forever,"
But the promise didn't last
Now you don't believe
Love is ever true
You steel yourself against the day
When I stop loving you

When the day comes that I don't love you
Every star will fall out of the sky
And every mountain will tumble down
And every river run dry

For every drop of rain
That ever touched the ground
For every tear that ever fell
And never made a sound
I'll be there to hear you call
And I'll be there to catch you, baby
Should you ever fall

[Repeat Chorus]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat Chorus]

Should you ever fall
And I'll be there to catch you, baby
I'll be there to hear you call
And never made a sound
For every tear that ever fell
That ever touched the ground
For every drop of rain

And every river run dry
And every mountain will tumble down
Every star will fall out of the sky
When the day comes that I don't love you

When I stop loving you
You steel yourself against the day
Love is ever true
Now you don't believe
But the promise didn't last
Someone said "Forever,"
Somewhere in your past
Once upon a time

Relevant Tags:
EEvery RRiver very iver vEery iRver svery diver sEvery dRiver Esvery Rdiver 3very 4iver 3Every 4River E3very R4iver fvery giver
fEvery gRiver Efvery Rgiver rvery tiver rEvery tRiver Ervery Rtiver 4very 5iver 4Every 5River E4very R5iver dvery fiver dEvery fRiver
Edvery Rfiver wvery eiver wEvery eRiver Ewvery Reiver Evvery Riiver Eery Rver Eevry Rvier Ebery Rjver Ebvery Rjiver Evbery Rijver
Ecery R9ver Ecvery R9iver Evcery Ri9ver Egery Rlver Egvery Rliver Evgery Rilver Efery Rover Roiver Evfery Riover Eveery Rkver
Evry Rkiver Evrey Rikver Evsry R8ver Evsery R8iver Evesry Ri8ver Ev3ry Ruver Ev3ery Ruiver Eve3ry Riuver Evfry Rivver Rier
Evefry Rievr Evrry Riber Evrery Ribver

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