Brooke Waggoner
Chromates Soft Love

Fall like fountains
Drown in kiss throws
Weep like infants
Sweep like moon-glow

The well-worn feeling of soft sad loving
Is hangin' by your side
The shell-shocked needing of early dreaming
It's worth all the fuss, worth all the fuss
Wasn't it worth all the fuss?

Mirror lyrics:

Wasn't it worth all the fuss?
It's worth all the fuss, worth all the fuss
The shell-shocked needing of early dreaming
Is hangin' by your side
The well-worn feeling of soft sad loving

Sweep like moon-glow
Weep like infants
Drown in kiss throws
Fall like fountains

Relevant Tags:
CChromates SSoft LLove hromates oft ove hCromates oSft oLve fhromates zoft kove fChromates zSoft kLove Cfhromates Szoft Lkove
xhromates woft oove xChromates wSoft oLove Cxhromates Swoft Loove vhromates doft pove vChromates dSoft pLove Cvhromates Sdoft Lpove
dhromates eoft dChromates eSoft Lve Cdhromates Seoft Lvoe Chhromates xoft Lkve Cromates xSoft Crhomates Sxoft Lokve
Cjromates aoft L9ve Cjhromates aSoft L9ove Chjromates Saoft Lo9ve Curomates Sooft L0ve Cuhromates Sft L0ove Churomates Sfot Lo0ve
Cnromates Skft Llve Cnhromates Skoft Llove Chnromates Sokft Lolve Cbromates S9ft Live Cbhromates S9oft Liove Chbromates So9ft Loive
Cgromates S0ft Lovve Cghromates S0oft Loe Chgromates So0ft Loev Cyromates Slft Lobe Cyhromates Sloft Lobve Chyromates Solft Lovbe
Chrromates Sift Loce Chomates Sioft Locve Chormates Soift Lovce Chdomates Sofft Loge Chdromates Sot Logve Chrdomates Sotf Lovge
Ch4omates Soct Lofe Ch4romates Socft Lofve Chr4omates Sofct Lovfe Chgomates Sort Lovee Sorft Lov Chrgomates Sofrt Love
Chtomates Sogt Lovs Chtromates Sogft Lovse Chrtomates Sofgt Loves Ch5omates Sott Lov3 Ch5romates Sotft Lov3e Chr5omates Softt Love3
Chfomates Sovt Lovf Chfromates Sovft Chrfomates Sofvt Lovef Cheomates Sodt Lovr Cheromates Sodft Lovre Chreomates Sofdt Lover
Chroomates Lov4 Chrmates Sof Lov4e Chrmoates Soft Love4 Chrkmates Soff Lovd Chrkomates Lovde Chrokmates Softf Loved
Chr9mates Sof5 Lovw Chr9omates Sof5t Lovwe Chro9mates Soft5 Lovew Chr0mates Sofh Chr0omates Sofht Chro0mates Softh
Chrlmates Sofy Chrlomates Sofyt Chrolmates Softy Chrimates Sof6 Chriomates Sof6t Chroimates Soft6
Chrommates Sofg Chroates Chroamtes Softg Chrojates Sofr Chrojmates Chromjates Softr

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