Brooke Fraser

If to distant lands I scatter
If I sail to farthest seas
Would You find and firm and gather
'Til I only dwell in Thee

If I flee from greenest pastures
Would You leave to look for me
Forfeit glory to come after
'Til I only dwell in Thee


If my heart has one ambition
If my soul one goal to seek
This my solitary vision
'Til I only dwell in Thee
That I only dwell in Thee
'Til I only dwell in Thee

Mirror lyrics:

'Til I only dwell in Thee
That I only dwell in Thee
'Til I only dwell in Thee
This my solitary vision
If my soul one goal to seek
If my heart has one ambition


'Til I only dwell in Thee
Forfeit glory to come after
Would You leave to look for me
If I flee from greenest pastures

'Til I only dwell in Thee
Would You find and firm and gather
If I sail to farthest seas
If to distant lands I scatter

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Hmyn Hgmn Hygmn Hhmn Hhymn Hyhmn H6mn H6ymn

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