Brooke Fraser
Pliable (live Accoustic Mix)

This carnival sometimes
Has sinister intentions
Only a intervention
Can save me now

You have to have balls nowadays
Not to give in to temptation
These regular revelations from you
Show me how

I'm workin' to be pliable
Take me in your hands and mould me
I am yours
That's undeniable
But I am weak so take me in
And hold me

All these worldly things
That I can't even touch
Everyone else is grabbin' them
And enjoyin' them so much

To resist them
Takes more than my might
So through your strength
Oh heal me tonight

I'm workin' to be pliable
Take me in your hands and mould me
I am yours
That's undeniable
But I am weak so take me in
And hold me


I'm workin' to be pliable
Take me in your hands and mould me
I am yours
That's undeniable
But I am weak so take me in
But I am weak so take me in
And hold me

Mirror lyrics:

And hold me
But I am weak so take me in
But I am weak so take me in
That's undeniable
I am yours
Take me in your hands and mould me
I'm workin' to be pliable


And hold me
But I am weak so take me in
That's undeniable
I am yours
Take me in your hands and mould me
I'm workin' to be pliable

Oh heal me tonight
So through your strength
Takes more than my might
To resist them

And enjoyin' them so much
Everyone else is grabbin' them
That I can't even touch
All these worldly things

And hold me
But I am weak so take me in
That's undeniable
I am yours
Take me in your hands and mould me
I'm workin' to be pliable

Show me how
These regular revelations from you
Not to give in to temptation
You have to have balls nowadays

Can save me now
Only a intervention
Has sinister intentions
This carnival sometimes

Relevant Tags:
PPliable ((live AAccoustic MMix) liable live ccoustic ix) lPiable l(ive cAcoustic iMx) 0liable (llive zccoustic jix) 0Pliable (ive zAccoustic jMix)
P0liable (ilve Azccoustic Mjix) lliable (kive qccoustic kix) lPliable (klive qAccoustic kMix) Plliable (lkive Aqccoustic Mkix) oliable (oive sccoustic nix)
oPliable (olive sAccoustic nMix) Poliable (loive Asccoustic Mnix) (pive wccoustic Miix) Piable (plive wAccoustic Mx) Pilable (lpive Awccoustic Mxi)
Pkiable (liive xccoustic Mjx) Pkliable (lve xAccoustic Plkiable (lvie Axccoustic Mijx) Poiable (ljve Acccoustic M9x) (ljive Acoustic M9ix)
Ploiable (lijve Accoustic Mi9x) Ppiable (l9ve Afcoustic Mlx) Ppliable (l9ive Afccoustic Mlix) Plpiable (li9ve Acfcoustic Milx) Pliiable (llve Axcoustic Mox)
Plable Moix) Plaible (lilve Acxcoustic Miox) Pljable (love Avcoustic Mkx) Pljiable Avccoustic Plijable (liove Acvcoustic Mikx)
Pl9able (lkve Adcoustic M8x) Pl9iable Adccoustic M8ix) Pli9able (likve Acdcoustic Mi8x) Pllable (l8ve Mux) (l8ive Muix)
Plilable (li8ve Acocustic Miux) Ploable (luve Acfoustic Mixx) (luive Mi) Plioable (liuve Accfoustic Mi)x Plkable (livve Acxoustic Mid)
(lie Midx) Plikable (liev Accxoustic Mixd) Pl8able (libe Acvoustic Miz) Pl8iable (libve Mizx) Pli8able (livbe Accvoustic Mixz)
Pluable (lice Acdoustic Mic) Pluiable (licve Micx) Pliuable (livce Accdoustic Mixc) Pliaable (lige Accooustic Mis) Plible (ligve Accustic Misx)
Plibale (livge Accuostic Mixs) Plizble (life Acckustic Mix)) Plizable (lifve Acckoustic Mix Pliazble (livfe Accokustic Mix) Pliqble (livee Acc9ustic
Pliqable (liv Acc9oustic Pliaqble (live Acco9ustic Plisble (livs Acc0ustic Plisable (livse Acc0oustic Pliasble (lives Acco0ustic
Pliwble (liv3 Acclustic Pliwable (liv3e Accloustic Pliawble (live3 Accolustic Plixble (livf Acciustic Plixable Accioustic
Pliaxble (livef Accoiustic Pliabble (livr Accouustic Pliale (livre Accostic Plialbe (liver Accosutic Pliavle (liv4 Accohstic
Pliavble (liv4e Accohustic Pliabvle (live4 Accouhstic Pliagle (livd Acco7stic Pliagble (livde Acco7ustic Pliabgle (lived Accou7stic
Plianle (livw Accokstic Plianble (livwe Pliabnle (livew Accoukstic Pliahle Accoistic Pliahble
Pliabhle Accouistic Pliablle Acco8stic

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