Brooke Allison
Say Goodbye

Once in every life
Someone steals your heart
And you are forever changed
Even when you must part
You find it hard to leave
The feelings aren't gone
But a voice inside is telling you
You can't hold on
So say goodbye
Oh I can't say that I won't cry
Cause I'm so glad
For everything we had
The good and bad

Say goodbye
Just look at me
You'll know that I
Still love you so
Even though we have to say goodbye
No matter where you are
Wherever that may be
I will always have you here
Deep in the heart of me
And if I never see
That warm and tender smile again
We will always have the memories
Remember when

So say goodbye
Oh I can't say that I won't cry
Cause I'm so glad
For everything we had
The good and bad

Say goodbye
Just look at me
You'll know that I
Still love you so
Even though we have to say goodbye

You've got your life
And you know I've got mine
But we will always be
Forever intertwined
Our hearts know that
It would be wrong to stay
So before
You turn and walk away

Say goodbye
Oh I can't say that I won't cry
Cause I'm so glad
For everything we had
The good and bad

Say goodbye
Just look at me
You'll know that I
Have one last wish
One last kiss
Before we say goodbye

Mirror lyrics:

Before we say goodbye
One last kiss
Have one last wish
You'll know that I
Just look at me
Say goodbye

The good and bad
For everything we had
Cause I'm so glad
Oh I can't say that I won't cry
Say goodbye

You turn and walk away
So before
It would be wrong to stay
Our hearts know that
Forever intertwined
But we will always be
And you know I've got mine
You've got your life

Even though we have to say goodbye
Still love you so
You'll know that I
Just look at me
Say goodbye

The good and bad
For everything we had
Cause I'm so glad
Oh I can't say that I won't cry
So say goodbye

Remember when
We will always have the memories
That warm and tender smile again
And if I never see
Deep in the heart of me
I will always have you here
Wherever that may be
No matter where you are
Even though we have to say goodbye
Still love you so
You'll know that I
Just look at me
Say goodbye

The good and bad
For everything we had
Cause I'm so glad
Oh I can't say that I won't cry
So say goodbye
You can't hold on
But a voice inside is telling you
The feelings aren't gone
You find it hard to leave
Even when you must part
And you are forever changed
Someone steals your heart
Once in every life

Relevant Tags:
SSay GGoodbye ay oodbye aSy oGodbye zay hoodbye zSay hGoodbye Szay Ghoodbye way yoodbye wSay yGoodbye Sway Gyoodbye day boodbye
dSay bGoodbye Sday Gboodbye eay voodbye eSay vGoodbye Seay Gvoodbye xay foodbye xSay fGoodbye Sxay Gfoodbye aay toodbye aSay tGoodbye
Saay Gtoodbye Gooodbye Sy Godbye Sya Goodbye Szy Gkodbye Gkoodbye Sazy Gokodbye Sqy G9odbye Sqay G9oodbye Saqy Go9odbye
Ssy G0odbye Ssay G0oodbye Sasy Go0odbye Swy Glodbye Gloodbye Sawy Golodbye Sxy Giodbye Gioodbye Saxy Goiodbye Sayy
Sa Say Godobye Sag Gokdbye Sagy Sayg Gookdbye Sah Go9dbye Sahy Sayh Goo9dbye Sa6 Go0dbye Sa6y
Say6 Goo0dbye Sau Goldbye Sauy Sayu Gooldbye Sa7 Goidbye Sa7y Say7 Gooidbye Saj Gooddbye Sajy Goobye Sayj Goobdye
Sat Gooxbye Saty Gooxdbye Sayt Goodxbye Gooebye Gooedbye Goodebye

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