Broken Hearted Janitors
Touching Stars

When all you think about
Is the time you got burned
For flying to close to the sun

If all you can remember
Is the time she ajourned
It was over before it had begun

But I've burned myself too
Cause the stars aren't there for me
And their not there for me to touch
Even though they're all I see

Cause Venus wasn't made for a guy like me
But I can sure as hell try
And I'll never find my love, my Aphrodite
But it doesn't do help to wonder why

If all you do is wonder
And listen for the phone
Then you won't find a reason

When all you feel
Is a need to be home
You won't change the season

And if you shoot for the moon
It's ok to if you get less
Cause it's a long way to the bottom
And falling is the best

Cause Venus wasn't made for a guy like me
But I can sure as hell try
And I'll never find my love, my Aphrodite
But it doesn't do to let go and die

Cause Venus wasn't made
It wasn't hung in the sky
And Venus wasn't made
For me...

And she won't smile for me
Unless it could change
And I'm me forever
And things are this way

But I have hope
And I'm gonna try
She's my Venus, Aphrodite,
And my reason why...

Cause Venus wasn't made for a guy like me
But I can sure as hell try
And I'll never find my love, my Aphrodite
But it doesn't do to let go and die

Chorus to end

Mirror lyrics:

Chorus to end

But it doesn't do to let go and die
And I'll never find my love, my Aphrodite
But I can sure as hell try
Cause Venus wasn't made for a guy like me

And my reason why...
She's my Venus, Aphrodite,
And I'm gonna try
But I have hope

And things are this way
And I'm me forever
Unless it could change
And she won't smile for me

For me...
And Venus wasn't made
It wasn't hung in the sky
Cause Venus wasn't made

But it doesn't do to let go and die
And I'll never find my love, my Aphrodite
But I can sure as hell try
Cause Venus wasn't made for a guy like me

And falling is the best
Cause it's a long way to the bottom
It's ok to if you get less
And if you shoot for the moon

You won't change the season
Is a need to be home
When all you feel

Then you won't find a reason
And listen for the phone
If all you do is wonder

But it doesn't do help to wonder why
And I'll never find my love, my Aphrodite
But I can sure as hell try
Cause Venus wasn't made for a guy like me

Even though they're all I see
And their not there for me to touch
Cause the stars aren't there for me
But I've burned myself too

It was over before it had begun
Is the time she ajourned
If all you can remember

For flying to close to the sun
Is the time you got burned
When all you think about

Relevant Tags:
TTouching SStars ouching tars oTuching tSars fouching ztars fTouching zStars Tfouching Sztars 5ouching wtars 5Touching wStars
T5ouching Swtars houching dtars hTouching dStars Thouching Sdtars youching etars yTouching eStars Tyouching Setars 6ouching xtars
6Touching xStars T6ouching Sxtars gouching atars gTouching aStars Tgouching Satars rouching Sttars rTouching Sars Trouching Satrs
Toouching Sfars Tuching Sftars Tuoching Stfars Tkuching S5ars Tkouching S5tars Tokuching St5ars T9uching Shars T9ouching Shtars
To9uching Sthars T0uching Syars T0ouching Sytars To0uching Styars Tluching S6ars Tlouching S6tars Toluching St6ars Tiuching Sgars
Tiouching Sgtars Toiuching Stgars Touuching Srars Toching Srtars Tocuhing Strars Tohching Staars Tohuching Strs Touhching Stras
To7ching Stzrs To7uching Stzars Tou7ching Stazrs Tokching Stqrs Stqars Toukching Staqrs Toiching Stsrs Stsars
Touiching Stasrs To8ching Stwrs To8uching Stwars Tou8ching Stawrs Tojching Stxrs Tojuching Stxars Toujching Staxrs Toyching Starrs
Toyuching Stas Touyching Stasr Toucching Stads Touhing Stadrs Touhcing Stards Toufhing Sta4s Toufching Sta4rs Toucfhing Star4s
Touxhing Stags Touxching Stagrs Toucxhing Stargs Touvhing Stats Touvching Statrs Toucvhing Starts

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