Britt Nicole
Feel The Light

Today, today you wanna run away now
You break, try to keep it together, love
Love is all you need
You're a queen but you've never known it

Life has come and left you blinded
Stole you smile and left you crying
It's not your fault
Shame is all you've got now

Your heart is tangled up in silence
It's time to let go
And feel the light
You'll find you're not alone
I know it's easier to hide
But you gotta let go
And feel the light
Let go and feel the light

Be brave, brave the water's all around you
I'll stay I'll keep you from sinking down
Love, love is on your side
It's stronger than you'll ever know

So many years of quiet
Building up like a fire inside
You're feeling like you gotta let it out now
Just let it out

Your heart is tangled up in silence
It's time to let go
And feel the light
You'll find you're not alone
I know it's easier to hide
But you gotta let go
And feel the light
Let go and feel the light

How did you get here
You're locked inside of all this fear
Inside you're crying out
Your mind's a war
Get out, get out and live for more
There's so much more
Live for more

Your heart is tangled up in silence
It's time to let go
And feel the light
You'll find you're not alone
I know it's easier to hide
But you gotta let go
And feel the light
Let go and feel the light

Brave, brave the water's all around you
I'll stay, I'll keep you from sinking down

Mirror lyrics:

I'll stay, I'll keep you from sinking down
Brave, brave the water's all around you

Let go and feel the light
And feel the light
But you gotta let go
I know it's easier to hide
You'll find you're not alone
And feel the light
It's time to let go
Your heart is tangled up in silence

Live for more
There's so much more
Get out, get out and live for more
Your mind's a war
Inside you're crying out
You're locked inside of all this fear
How did you get here

Let go and feel the light
And feel the light
But you gotta let go
I know it's easier to hide
You'll find you're not alone
And feel the light
It's time to let go
Your heart is tangled up in silence

Just let it out
You're feeling like you gotta let it out now
Building up like a fire inside
So many years of quiet

It's stronger than you'll ever know
Love, love is on your side
I'll stay I'll keep you from sinking down
Be brave, brave the water's all around you

Let go and feel the light
And feel the light
But you gotta let go
I know it's easier to hide
You'll find you're not alone
And feel the light
It's time to let go
Your heart is tangled up in silence

Shame is all you've got now
It's not your fault
Stole you smile and left you crying
Life has come and left you blinded

You're a queen but you've never known it
Love is all you need
You break, try to keep it together, love
Today, today you wanna run away now

Relevant Tags:
FFeel TThe LLight eel he ight eFel hTe iLght ceel fhe kight cFeel fThe kLight Fceel Tfhe Lkight reel 5he oight rFeel 5The oLight
Freel T5he Loight geel hhe pight gFeel hThe pLight Fgeel Thhe Lpight teel yhe Liight tFeel yThe Lght Fteel Tyhe Lgiht veel 6he Ljght
vFeel 6The Ljight Fveel T6he Lijght deel ghe L9ght dFeel gThe L9ight Fdeel Tghe Li9ght Feeel rhe Llght Fel rThe Llight Feel Trhe Lilght
Fsel Loght Fseel Te Fesel Teh Lioght F3el Tje Lkght F3eel Tjhe Fe3el Thje Likght Ffel Tue L8ght Ffeel Tuhe L8ight
Fefel Thue Li8ght Frel Tne Lught Tnhe Luight Ferel Thne Liught F4el Tbe Ligght F4eel Tbhe Liht Fe4el Thbe Lihgt Fdel Tge Lihht
Lihght Fedel Thge Lighht Fwel Tye Liyht Fweel Liyght Fewel Thye Ligyht Thee Libht Th Libght

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