Bring Me The Horizon
The Fear That Gave Me Wings

My eyes are shut for now it seems the only way that I can cope.
A glittering example of what we've become.
So grab yourself by the wrist and think about this twice
One mistake could be the last action that you make.
Now I'm on my knees, I can feel my spirit leaving me.

I chose to promise myself that I'd never let you down.
To capture this moment would be the best idea yet.

Cowering in the dark. This room is now my friend.
I'll stay here and wait it out until the pressure ends.
I can't wait!!! Everything around me is a test to see I can last.
I don't know if I can. Where's my strength at?
I made a promise to myself that I'd always be around.
I should capture this moment, before I let you down.

I'm sure that I'll be heard,
I've got too much to lose to fly away and leave all of this behind.
So capture this moment, before I forget why I'm here.

I'm killing the only person in life I thought I knew.
The only person left to blame for this is you!
I've got things to say that I know you want to hear.
I can see through you perfectly clear.

Don't go too far. I chose to stay here. Remind me where we are.

Mirror lyrics:

Don't go too far. I chose to stay here. Remind me where we are.

I can see through you perfectly clear.
I've got things to say that I know you want to hear.
The only person left to blame for this is you!
I'm killing the only person in life I thought I knew.

So capture this moment, before I forget why I'm here.
I've got too much to lose to fly away and leave all of this behind.
I'm sure that I'll be heard,

I should capture this moment, before I let you down.
I made a promise to myself that I'd always be around.
I don't know if I can. Where's my strength at?
I can't wait!!! Everything around me is a test to see I can last.
I'll stay here and wait it out until the pressure ends.
Cowering in the dark. This room is now my friend.

To capture this moment would be the best idea yet.
I chose to promise myself that I'd never let you down.

Now I'm on my knees, I can feel my spirit leaving me.
One mistake could be the last action that you make.
So grab yourself by the wrist and think about this twice
A glittering example of what we've become.
My eyes are shut for now it seems the only way that I can cope.

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFear TThat GGave MMe WWings he ear hat ave e ings hTe eFar hTat aGve eM iWngs fhe cear fhat have je aings fThe cFear fThat hGave jMe aWings
Tfhe Fcear Tfhat Ghave Mje Waings 5he rear 5hat yave ke 3ings 5The rFear 5That yGave kMe 3Wings T5he Frear T5hat Gyave Mke W3ings hhe gear hhat bave ne dings
hThe gFear hThat bGave nMe dWings Thhe Fgear Thhat Gbave Mne Wdings yhe tear yhat vave Mee eings yThe tFear yThat vGave M eWings Tyhe Ftear Tyhat Gvave Me Weings
6he vear 6hat fave Ms sings 6The vFear 6That fGave Mse sWings T6he Fvear T6hat Gfave Mes Wsings ghe dear ghat tave M3 2ings gThe dFear gThat tGave M3e 2Wings
Tghe Fdear Tghat Gtave Me3 W2ings rhe Feear rhat Gaave Mf qings rThe Far rThat Gve Mfe qWings Trhe Faer Trhat Gvae Mef Wqings Fsar Gzve Mr Wiings
Te Fsear Tat Gzave Mre Wngs Teh Fesar Taht Gazve Mer Wnigs Tje F3ar Tjat Gqve M4 Wjngs Tjhe F3ear Tjhat Gqave M4e Wjings Thje Fe3ar Thjat Gaqve Me4 Wijngs
Tue Ffar Tuat Gsve Md W9ngs Tuhe Ffear Tuhat Gsave Mde W9ings Thue Fefar Thuat Gasve Med Wi9ngs Tne Frar Tnat Gwve Mw Wlngs Tnhe Tnhat Gwave Mwe Wlings
Thne Ferar Thnat Gawve Mew Wilngs Tbe F4ar Tbat Gxve Wongs Tbhe F4ear Tbhat Gxave Woings Thbe Fe4ar Thbat Gaxve Wiongs Tge Fdar Tgat Gavve Wkngs
Gae Wkings Thge Fedar Thgat Gaev Wikngs Tye Fwar Tyat Gabe W8ngs Fwear Gabve W8ings Thye Fewar Thyat Gavbe Wi8ngs
Thee Feaar Thaat Gace Wungs Th Fer Tht Gacve Wuings The Fera Thta Gavce Wiungs Ths Fezr Thzt Gage Winngs Thse Fezar Thzat Gagve Wigs
Thes Feazr Thazt Gavge Wigns

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