Bright Eyes
Hungry For A Holiday

The indecencies of city streets,
The cleaners' sweeping trucks from nine to noon.
And the factories make clouds to keep,
The sun from being jealous like the moon.
While the husband holds his house,
He hates his children for being green when he is gray.
And his wife, she likes to talk on telephones,
But just to people far away.
Well, the big surprise was televised.
On a crowded couch, their eyes grew wide and wet.
Oh, was it really such a sad event?
You could capture this with camera clicks but it don't exist,
Just light on negatives.
Another number on a birthday cake.
You should act your age.

We were hungry for a holiday,
Won't cooperate with the calendar we found.
We just scattered snow like styrofoam,
And sang our Christmas carols all through town.
And the voices soared, the people joined.
With silver coins, they filled our coffee cans.
And we all agreed that charity was much in need.
Yes, a noble cause at that.
And I met a man, a mannequin that stood so still,
I know he was afraid.
And he preferred a place of permanence,
To this awful guessing game of choice and change.

But the big surprise was televised.
On a crowded couch, our eyes grew wide and wet.
Oh yeah, it's really such a sad event.
You can't capture this with camera clicks.
No, it don't exist, just light on negatives.
Another candle on a birthday cake and a wish you make.

Well, if the costume fits, keep wearing it,
But no Halloween could quite account for this.
I guess you're getting into character.
Just be yourself if that would help,
Or sink completely into someone else.
You've dreamt of mountains,
But sometimes a hole is more comfortable.

Mirror lyrics:

But sometimes a hole is more comfortable.
You've dreamt of mountains,
Or sink completely into someone else.
Just be yourself if that would help,
I guess you're getting into character.
But no Halloween could quite account for this.
Well, if the costume fits, keep wearing it,

Another candle on a birthday cake and a wish you make.
No, it don't exist, just light on negatives.
You can't capture this with camera clicks.
Oh yeah, it's really such a sad event.
On a crowded couch, our eyes grew wide and wet.
But the big surprise was televised.

To this awful guessing game of choice and change.
And he preferred a place of permanence,
I know he was afraid.
And I met a man, a mannequin that stood so still,
Yes, a noble cause at that.
And we all agreed that charity was much in need.
With silver coins, they filled our coffee cans.
And the voices soared, the people joined.
And sang our Christmas carols all through town.
We just scattered snow like styrofoam,
Won't cooperate with the calendar we found.
We were hungry for a holiday,

You should act your age.
Another number on a birthday cake.
Just light on negatives.
You could capture this with camera clicks but it don't exist,
Oh, was it really such a sad event?
On a crowded couch, their eyes grew wide and wet.
Well, the big surprise was televised.
But just to people far away.
And his wife, she likes to talk on telephones,
He hates his children for being green when he is gray.
While the husband holds his house,
The sun from being jealous like the moon.
And the factories make clouds to keep,
The cleaners' sweeping trucks from nine to noon.
The indecencies of city streets,

Relevant Tags:
HHungry FFor AA HHoliday ungry or oliday uHngry oFr A oHliday jungry cor z joliday jHungry cFor zA jHoliday Hjungry Fcor Az Hjoliday
uungry ror q uoliday uHungry rFor qA uHoliday Huungry Fror Aq Huoliday nungry gor s noliday nHungry gFor sA nHoliday Hnungry Fgor As Hnoliday
bungry tor w boliday bHungry tFor wA bHoliday Hbungry Ftor Aw Hboliday gungry vor x goliday gHungry vFor xA gHoliday Hgungry Fvor Ax Hgoliday
yungry dor yoliday yHungry dFor yHoliday Hyungry Fdor Hyoliday Foor Hooliday Hngry Fr Hliday Hnugry Fro Hloiday
Hhngry Fkr Hkliday Hhungry Fkor Hkoliday Huhngry Fokr Hokliday H7ngry F9r H9liday H7ungry F9or H9oliday Hu7ngry Fo9r Ho9liday
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