Place Less Traveled

I'll take that one,
The place less traveled,
A room so cold
To help the warm unravel

The town is still wet
From when you painted last night
Now you're the dye
Because you like it so bright

And your eyes were watching me from the stars.
If you feel like taking me,
Then I'll just walk away
And you'll be there when I sleep.
Your eyes are watching me.

Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars

If you feel like taking me,
Then I'll just walk away
You'll be there when I sleep
Your eyes are watching me

I have heard of love at first sight,
Baby, I dont believe in it (dont believe in it)
I have heard that love is blind,
so how can I expect to see it?

Mirror lyrics:

so how can I expect to see it?
I have heard that love is blind,
Baby, I dont believe in it (dont believe in it)
I have heard of love at first sight,

Your eyes are watching me
You'll be there when I sleep
Then I'll just walk away
If you feel like taking me,

Your eyes were watching me from the stars
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,
Your eyes were watching me from the stars,

Your eyes are watching me.
And you'll be there when I sleep.
Then I'll just walk away
If you feel like taking me,
And your eyes were watching me from the stars.

Because you like it so bright
Now you're the dye
From when you painted last night
The town is still wet

To help the warm unravel
A room so cold
The place less traveled,
I'll take that one,

Relevant Tags:
PPlace LLess TTraveled lace ess raveled lPace eLss rTaveled 0lace kess fraveled 0Place kLess fTraveled P0lace Lkess Tfraveled
llace oess 5raveled lPlace oLess 5Traveled Pllace Loess T5raveled olace pess hraveled oPlace pLess hTraveled Polace Lpess Thraveled
Leess yraveled Pace Lss yTraveled Palce Lses Tyraveled Pkace Lsss 6raveled Pklace Lsess 6Traveled Plkace Lesss T6raveled
Poace L3ss graveled L3ess gTraveled Ploace Le3ss Tgraveled Ppace Lfss rraveled Pplace Lfess rTraveled Plpace Lefss Trraveled
Plaace Lrss Plce Lress Taveled Plcae Lerss Tarveled Plzce L4ss Tdaveled Plzace L4ess Tdraveled Plazce Le4ss Trdaveled
Plqce Ldss T4aveled Plqace Ldess T4raveled Plaqce Ledss Tr4aveled Plsce Lwss Tgaveled Plsace Lwess Plasce Lewss Trgaveled
Plwce Ttaveled Plwace Les Ttraveled Plawce Less Trtaveled Plxce Lezs T5aveled Plxace Lezss Plaxce Leszs Tr5aveled
Placce Lews Tfaveled Plae Plaec Lesws Trfaveled Plafe Leds Teaveled Plafce Teraveled Placfe Lesds Treaveled
Plaxe Lees Traaveled Trveled Placxe Leses Trvaeled Plave Lexs Trzveled Plavce Lexss Trzaveled Placve Lesxs Trazveled
Plade Leas Trqveled Pladce Leass Trqaveled Placde Lesas Traqveled Placee Trsveled Plac Trsaveled Place Trasveled
Placs Lesz Trwveled Placse Trwaveled Places Lessz Trawveled Plac3 Lesw Trxveled Plac3e Trxaveled Place3 Lessw Traxveled
Placf Lesd Travveled Traeled Placef Lessd Traevled Placr Lese Trabeled Placre Trabveled Placer Lesse Travbeled
Plac4 Lesx Traceled Plac4e Tracveled Place4 Lessx Travceled Placd Lesa Trageled

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