Brian Wilson
He Couldn't Get His Poor Body To Move

I guess you all know it's been a long long time
Since the days of turning water to wine
Things aint easy but they always improve
When you go and get your poor old body to move

Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive
Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move

Seven times seven and ten times ten
You gotta pick it up start all over again
It doesn't matter which dance you choose
You gotta get your poor old body to move

Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive
Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move

Get along, get a-rolling now
Get away, get away hey now
Let it out, let it out all day
Get along, on your lazy way
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

If you're feeling lost and lonely too
I bet sometimes you don't know what to do
Early in the morning when the sun shines through
That's when you get your poor old body to move

Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive
Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move

Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive
Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move

Mirror lyrics:

Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move
Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive

Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move
Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive

That's when you get your poor old body to move
Early in the morning when the sun shines through
I bet sometimes you don't know what to do
If you're feeling lost and lonely too

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Get along, on your lazy way
Let it out, let it out all day
Get away, get away hey now
Get along, get a-rolling now

Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move
Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive

You gotta get your poor old body to move
It doesn't matter which dance you choose
You gotta pick it up start all over again
Seven times seven and ten times ten

Take my simple advice, you gotta get your poor old body to move
Why sit hypnotised, when you could feel alive

When you go and get your poor old body to move
Things aint easy but they always improve
Since the days of turning water to wine
I guess you all know it's been a long long time

Relevant Tags:
HHe CCouldn't GGet HHis PPoor BBody TTo MMove e ouldn't et is oor ody o ove eH oCuldn't eGt iHs oPor oBdy oT oMve
je fouldn't het jis 0oor vody fo jove jHe fCouldn't hGet jHis 0Poor vBody fTo jMove Hje Cfouldn't Ghet Hjis P0oor Bvody Tfo Mjove
ue xouldn't yet uis loor gody 5o kove uHe xCouldn't yGet uHis lPoor gBody 5To kMove Hue Cxouldn't Gyet Huis Ploor Bgody T5o Mkove
ne vouldn't bet nis ooor nody ho nove nHe vCouldn't bGet nHis oPoor nBody hTo nMove Hne Cvouldn't Gbet Hnis Pooor Bnody Tho Mnove
be douldn't vet bis hody yo Moove bHe dCouldn't vGet bHis Por hBody yTo Mve Hbe Cdouldn't Gvet Hbis Poor Bhody Tyo Mvoe
ge Coouldn't fet gis Pkor Boody 6o Mkve gHe Culdn't fGet gHis Pkoor Bdy 6To Hge Cuoldn't Gfet Hgis Pokor Bdoy T6o Mokve
ye Ckuldn't tet yis P9or Bkdy go M9ve yHe Ckouldn't tGet yHis P9oor Bkody gTo M9ove Hye Cokuldn't Gtet Hyis Po9or Bokdy Tgo Mo9ve
Hee C9uldn't Geet Hiis P0or B9dy ro M0ve H C9ouldn't Gt Hs B9ody rTo M0ove He Co9uldn't Gte Hsi Po0or Bo9dy Tro Mo0ve
Hs C0uldn't Gst Hjs Plor B0dy Too Mlve Hse C0ouldn't Gset B0ody T Mlove Hes Co0uldn't Gest Hijs Polor Bo0dy To Molve
H3 Cluldn't G3t H9s Pior Bldy Tk Mive H3e Clouldn't G3et H9is Pioor Blody Tko Miove He3 Coluldn't Ge3t Hi9s Poior Boldy Tok Moive
Hf Ciuldn't Gft Hls Bidy T9 Movve Hfe Ciouldn't Hlis Biody T9o Moe Hef Coiuldn't Geft Hils Poro Boidy To9 Moev
Hr Couuldn't Grt Hos Pokr Boddy T0 Mobe Hre Coldn't Gret Hois Boy T0o Mobve Her Coludn't Gert Hios Pookr Boyd To0 Movbe
H4 Cohldn't G4t Hks Po9r Boxy Tl Moce H4e Cohuldn't G4et Hkis Boxdy Tlo Mocve He4 Couhldn't Ge4t Hiks Poo9r Bodxy Tol Movce
Hd Co7ldn't Gdt H8s Po0r Boey Ti Moge Hde Co7uldn't Gdet H8is Boedy Tio Mogve Hed Cou7ldn't Gedt Hi8s Poo0r Bodey Toi Movge
Hw Cokldn't Gwt Hus Polr Bofy Mofe Hwe Gwet Bofdy Mofve Hew Coukldn't Gewt Hius Poolr Bodfy Movfe
Coildn't Gett Hiss Poir Bory Movee Ge Hi Bordy Mov Couildn't Get His Pooir Bodry Move
Co8ldn't Gef Hiz Poorr Bocy Movs Co8uldn't Hizs Poo Bocdy Movse Cou8ldn't Getf Hisz Bodcy Moves
Cojldn't Ge5 Hiw Pood Bosy Mov3 Cojuldn't Ge5t Hiws Poodr Bosdy Mov3e Coujldn't Get5 Hisw Poord Bodsy Move3
Coyldn't Geh Hid Poo4 Bodyy Movf Coyuldn't Geht Hids Poo4r Bod Couyldn't Geth Hisd Poor4 Body Movef
Coulldn't Gey Hie Poog Bodg Movr Coudn't Geyt Hies Poogr Bodgy Movre Coudln't Gety Hise Poorg Bodyg Mover
Coukdn't Ge6 Hix Poot Bodh Mov4 Ge6t Hixs Pootr Bodhy Mov4e Coulkdn't Get6 Hisx Poort Bodyh Move4
Couodn't Geg Hia Poo5 Bod6 Movd Couoldn't Gegt Hias Poo5r Bod6y Movde

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