Bright Eyes
We Are Free Men

Well, the future spills its intangibles
An unknown set of variables
A path that's splitting infinitely up ahead

So tell me what's the use to pick and choose
From what you should or shouldn't do?
That's time spent better sleeping in your bed

Or wide awake in a shopping mall
Trying clothes on from off of the wall
Yeah, anything to entertain yourself

Cause a costume can be quite comfortable
It can make you feel more beautiful
It can even make you look like someone else

But it's still you, so there's nothing you can do
Like a bad habit, the one you couldn't kick
There it always is
And it's nothing that no doctor's gonna fix

They pat your back bruised with their accolades
And all four walls are a trophy case
But that doesn't make it any less of a cage

But you can make it all less difficult
By embracing the ephemeral
Then you'd never have to worry or explain

Cause if it's really all just physical
Then my memory's immaterial
So why then do I remember you at all?

But I do, I do, my friend, I've seen your face
We shared a cup, I know the taste
Its sweetness is relentless on my lips

So help me drink in everything that is
Like a freed convict, drunk on redemption
From the way I've been
Well I swear this time that things will be different

Well, right and wrong, they have never been that far apart
For those who'd write that sentence where you hang
We will be lifted up from all of this
Yeah, we will transcend the insignificance of our existence
Yeah your body's gone, but angel you will live

Now your body's gone, but angel you will live

Mirror lyrics:

Now your body's gone, but angel you will live

Yeah your body's gone, but angel you will live
Yeah, we will transcend the insignificance of our existence
We will be lifted up from all of this
For those who'd write that sentence where you hang
Well, right and wrong, they have never been that far apart

Well I swear this time that things will be different
From the way I've been
Like a freed convict, drunk on redemption
So help me drink in everything that is

Its sweetness is relentless on my lips
We shared a cup, I know the taste
But I do, I do, my friend, I've seen your face

So why then do I remember you at all?
Then my memory's immaterial
Cause if it's really all just physical

Then you'd never have to worry or explain
By embracing the ephemeral
But you can make it all less difficult

But that doesn't make it any less of a cage
And all four walls are a trophy case
They pat your back bruised with their accolades

And it's nothing that no doctor's gonna fix
There it always is
Like a bad habit, the one you couldn't kick
But it's still you, so there's nothing you can do

It can even make you look like someone else
It can make you feel more beautiful
Cause a costume can be quite comfortable

Yeah, anything to entertain yourself
Trying clothes on from off of the wall
Or wide awake in a shopping mall

That's time spent better sleeping in your bed
From what you should or shouldn't do?
So tell me what's the use to pick and choose

A path that's splitting infinitely up ahead
An unknown set of variables
Well, the future spills its intangibles

Relevant Tags:
WWe AAre FFree MMen e re ree en eW rAe rFee eMn ae zre cree jen aWe zAre cFree jMen Wae Azre Fcree Mjen 3e qre rree ken
3We qAre rFree kMen W3e Aqre Frree Mken de sre gree nen dWe sAre gFree nMen Wde Asre Fgree Mnen ee wre tree Meen eWe wAre tFree Mn
Wee Awre Ftree Mne se xre vree Msn sWe xAre vFree Msen Wse Axre Fvree Mesn 2e Arre dree M3n 2We Ae dFree M3en W2e Aer Fdree Me3n
qe Ade Mfn qWe Adre Fee Mfen Wqe Arde Fere Mefn A4e Fdee Mrn W A4re Mren We Ar4e Frdee Mern Ws Age F4ee M4n
Agre F4ree M4en Wes Arge Fr4ee Me4n W3 Ate Fgee Mdn Atre Mden We3 Arte Frgee Medn Wf A5e Ftee Mwn Wfe A5re Mwen
Wef Ar5e Frtee Mewn Wr Afe F5ee Menn

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