Cara Dillon
The Lonsome Scenes Of Winter

As the lonesome scenes of winter in stormy winds so blow,
Clouds around the center inclined to frost and snow,
You're the boy that I have chosen to be my only dear,
Your scornful heart is frozen and drifted far I fear.

One night I went to see my love, but he proved most scornfully,
I asked him if he'd marry me, but he would not marry me,
The night it is far spent, my love, it's near the break of day,
And I'm waiting for your answer, my dear, what do you say?

I can but plainly tell you, I'll lead a single life,
I never thought it fitting that you should be my wife,
So take a civil answer and for yourself provide,
I have another sweetheart and you I have laid aside.

Now my mind is changing that old love for the new,
This wide and lonesome valley I mean to ramble thru',
In search of someone handsome that might my fancy fill,
This world is wide and lonesome, if he don't another will.

Mirror lyrics:

This world is wide and lonesome, if he don't another will.
In search of someone handsome that might my fancy fill,
This wide and lonesome valley I mean to ramble thru',
Now my mind is changing that old love for the new,

I have another sweetheart and you I have laid aside.
So take a civil answer and for yourself provide,
I never thought it fitting that you should be my wife,
I can but plainly tell you, I'll lead a single life,

And I'm waiting for your answer, my dear, what do you say?
The night it is far spent, my love, it's near the break of day,
I asked him if he'd marry me, but he would not marry me,
One night I went to see my love, but he proved most scornfully,

Your scornful heart is frozen and drifted far I fear.
You're the boy that I have chosen to be my only dear,
Clouds around the center inclined to frost and snow,
As the lonesome scenes of winter in stormy winds so blow,

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLonsome SScenes OOf WWinter he onsome cenes f inter hTe oLnsome cSenes fO iWnter fhe konsome zcenes kf ainter fThe kLonsome zScenes kOf aWinter
Tfhe Lkonsome Szcenes Okf Wainter 5he oonsome wcenes 9f 3inter 5The oLonsome wScenes 9Of 3Winter T5he Loonsome Swcenes O9f W3inter hhe ponsome dcenes 0f dinter
hThe pLonsome dScenes 0Of dWinter Thhe Lponsome Sdcenes O0f Wdinter yhe ecenes lf einter yThe Lnsome eScenes lOf eWinter Tyhe Lnosome Secenes Olf Weinter
6he Lknsome xcenes if sinter 6The xScenes iOf sWinter T6he Loknsome Sxcenes Oif Wsinter ghe L9nsome acenes Off 2inter gThe L9onsome aScenes O 2Winter
Tghe Lo9nsome Sacenes Of W2inter rhe L0nsome Sccenes Oc qinter rThe L0onsome Senes Ocf qWinter Trhe Lo0nsome Secnes Ofc Wqinter Llnsome Sfenes Or Wiinter
Te Llonsome Sfcenes Orf Wnter Teh Lolnsome Scfenes Ofr Wniter Tje Linsome Sxenes Og Wjnter Tjhe Lionsome Ogf Wjinter Thje Loinsome Scxenes Ofg Wijnter
Tue Lonnsome Svenes Ot W9nter Tuhe Losome Svcenes Otf W9inter Thue Losnome Scvenes Oft Wi9nter Tne Lomsome Sdenes Ov Wlnter Tnhe Lomnsome Ovf Wlinter
Thne Lonmsome Scdenes Ofv Wilnter Tbe Lohsome Sceenes Od Wonter Tbhe Lohnsome Scnes Odf Wointer Thbe Lonhsome Scnees Ofd Wionter Tge Lojsome Scsnes Wknter
Lojnsome Scsenes Wkinter Thge Lonjsome Scesnes Wiknter Tye Lobsome Sc3nes W8nter Lobnsome Sc3enes W8inter Thye Lonbsome Sce3nes Wi8nter
Thee Lonssome Scfnes Wunter Th Lonome Wuinter The Lonosme Scefnes Wiunter Ths Lonzome Scrnes Winnter Thse Lonzsome Screnes Witer
Thes Lonszome Scernes Witner Th3 Lonwome Sc4nes Wimter Th3e Lonwsome Sc4enes Wimnter The3 Lonswome Sce4nes Winmter Thf Londome Scdnes Wihter
Thfe Londsome Wihnter Thef Lonsdome Scednes Winhter Thr Loneome Scwnes Wijter Thre Lonesome Scwenes Ther Lonseome Scewnes Winjter
Th4 Lonxome Scennes Wibter Th4e Lonxsome Scees Wibnter The4 Lonsxome Sceens Winbter

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