Cara Dillon
Donald Of Glencoe

As I was a'walking one evening of late
Where fragrant fine flowers the field decorate,
I carelessly rambled where I did not know
By the fair crystal fountain that falls in Glencoe.

And on her who the prize on Mount Ider was won,
Then approched me a lassy as bright as the sun,
And the ribbon and the tartan around her did flow,
That welcomed young Donald the pride of Glencoe.

Said I, my fine creature, your charming sweet smile,
And your comely fine features my heart has beguiled,
And with your kind affection on me you'll bestow,
I'll bless the happy hour we met in Glencoe.

Kind sir, she made answer, your love I'll disdain
For I have a young sweetheart and Donald by name,
And he went to the wars about ten years ago,
And a maid I remain 'till he returns to Glencoe.

Ah, perhaps your young Donald regards not your name,
And has placed his affection on some foreign dame,
He may have forgotten for all that you know,
That bonny young creature he met in Glencoe.

From his promise my Donald could never depart
For love, truth and honour stand firm in his heart,
And if I never see him, then single I'll go,
And I'll mourn for my Donald the pride of Glencoe.

Then seeing her constance he drew out a glove,
Which in parting she gave him in token of love,
She clung to his arms and the tears down did flow,
Ah, you're welcomed my Donald the pride of Glencoe.

Come cheer up my Flora, your sorrows are o'er,
And since we have met love we'll never part more,
And the loud blast of battle, far distant may blow,
Whilst in peace and contentment we'll live in Glencoe.

Mirror lyrics:

Whilst in peace and contentment we'll live in Glencoe.
And the loud blast of battle, far distant may blow,
And since we have met love we'll never part more,
Come cheer up my Flora, your sorrows are o'er,

Ah, you're welcomed my Donald the pride of Glencoe.
She clung to his arms and the tears down did flow,
Which in parting she gave him in token of love,
Then seeing her constance he drew out a glove,

And I'll mourn for my Donald the pride of Glencoe.
And if I never see him, then single I'll go,
For love, truth and honour stand firm in his heart,
From his promise my Donald could never depart

That bonny young creature he met in Glencoe.
He may have forgotten for all that you know,
And has placed his affection on some foreign dame,
Ah, perhaps your young Donald regards not your name,

And a maid I remain 'till he returns to Glencoe.
And he went to the wars about ten years ago,
For I have a young sweetheart and Donald by name,
Kind sir, she made answer, your love I'll disdain

I'll bless the happy hour we met in Glencoe.
And with your kind affection on me you'll bestow,
And your comely fine features my heart has beguiled,
Said I, my fine creature, your charming sweet smile,

That welcomed young Donald the pride of Glencoe.
And the ribbon and the tartan around her did flow,
Then approched me a lassy as bright as the sun,
And on her who the prize on Mount Ider was won,

By the fair crystal fountain that falls in Glencoe.
I carelessly rambled where I did not know
Where fragrant fine flowers the field decorate,
As I was a'walking one evening of late

Relevant Tags:
DDonald OOf GGlencoe onald f lencoe oDnald fO lGencoe xonald kf hlencoe xDonald kOf hGlencoe Dxonald Okf Ghlencoe
eonald 9f ylencoe eDonald 9Of yGlencoe Deonald O9f Gylencoe fonald 0f blencoe fDonald 0Of bGlencoe Dfonald O0f Gblencoe
ronald lf vlencoe rDonald lOf vGlencoe Dronald Olf Gvlencoe conald if flencoe cDonald iOf fGlencoe Dconald Oif Gflencoe
sonald Off tlencoe sDonald O tGlencoe Dsonald Of Gtlencoe Doonald Oc Gllencoe Dnald Ocf Gencoe Dnoald Ofc Gelncoe
Dknald Or Gkencoe Dkonald Orf Gklencoe Doknald Ofr Glkencoe D9nald Og Goencoe D9onald Ogf Golencoe Do9nald Ofg Gloencoe
D0nald Ot Gpencoe D0onald Otf Gplencoe Do0nald Oft Glpencoe Dlnald Ov Gleencoe Dlonald Ovf Glncoe Dolnald Ofv Glnecoe
Dinald Od Glsncoe Dionald Odf Glsencoe Doinald Ofd Glesncoe Donnald Gl3ncoe Doald Gl3encoe Doanld Gle3ncoe
Domald Glfncoe Domnald Glfencoe Donmald Glefncoe Dohald Glrncoe Dohnald Glrencoe Donhald Glerncoe
Dojald Gl4ncoe Dojnald Gl4encoe Donjald Gle4ncoe Dobald Gldncoe Dobnald Gldencoe Donbald Gledncoe
Donaald Glwncoe Donld Glwencoe Donlad Glewncoe Donzld Glenncoe Donzald Glecoe Donazld Glecnoe
Donqld Glemcoe Donqald Glemncoe Donaqld Glenmcoe Donsld Glehcoe Donsald Glehncoe

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