Captain Tractor
This Time Tomorrow

It's been a while since we met here beside this dirty harbour
We used to listen to the radio and stare out at the sea
I know you don't recall that song we heard
But I haven't forgotten a single word
It's nothing to you it was everything to me
I'm weary of this tired town and wary of its vices
And we were finished years ago, I'm sure that you'd agree
"Don't know you anymore," is all you say
"And you're back out on the road tomorrow anyway."
Did you rehearse how you would say how you'd been missing me?
Not bound to this desolate place
This time tomorrow I'll be gone
1400 miles and moving
Leave these troubled streets behind
Forget the look on your desolate face
This time tomorrow I'll be no one
Nothing but a ghost of something fading in the dust
Of all you have and all you know and all you see
All you'll have is this memory of me
I've nothing left to leave with you -
just leave you with your silence
But I would give a fortune to know
what's churning in your head
Because the sentiment of your silent smile
Has silently been killing me all the while
What I would give to get inside your skull
Sort through all the things you haven't said
It's what you haven't said
And what you haven't done
And all the things you haven't mentioned

Mirror lyrics:

And all the things you haven't mentioned
And what you haven't done
It's what you haven't said
Sort through all the things you haven't said
What I would give to get inside your skull
Has silently been killing me all the while
Because the sentiment of your silent smile
what's churning in your head
But I would give a fortune to know
just leave you with your silence
I've nothing left to leave with you -
All you'll have is this memory of me
Of all you have and all you know and all you see
Nothing but a ghost of something fading in the dust
This time tomorrow I'll be no one
Forget the look on your desolate face
Leave these troubled streets behind
1400 miles and moving
This time tomorrow I'll be gone
Not bound to this desolate place
Did you rehearse how you would say how you'd been missing me?
"And you're back out on the road tomorrow anyway."
"Don't know you anymore," is all you say
And we were finished years ago, I'm sure that you'd agree
I'm weary of this tired town and wary of its vices
It's nothing to you it was everything to me
But I haven't forgotten a single word
I know you don't recall that song we heard
We used to listen to the radio and stare out at the sea
It's been a while since we met here beside this dirty harbour

Relevant Tags:
TThis TTime TTomorrow his ime omorrow hTis iTme oTmorrow fhis fime fomorrow fThis fTime fTomorrow Tfhis Tfime Tfomorrow
5his 5ime 5omorrow 5This 5Time 5Tomorrow T5his T5ime T5omorrow hhis hime homorrow hThis hTime hTomorrow Thhis Thime Thomorrow
yhis yime yomorrow yThis yTime yTomorrow Tyhis Tyime Tyomorrow 6his 6ime 6omorrow 6This 6Time 6Tomorrow T6his T6ime T6omorrow
ghis gime gomorrow gThis gTime gTomorrow Tghis Tgime Tgomorrow rhis rime romorrow rThis rTime rTomorrow Trhis Trime Tromorrow
Tiime Toomorrow Tis Tme Tmorrow Tihs Tmie Tmoorrow Tjis Tjme Tkmorrow Tjhis Tjime Tkomorrow Thjis Tijme Tokmorrow
Tuis T9me T9morrow Tuhis T9ime T9omorrow Thuis Ti9me To9morrow Tnis Tlme T0morrow Tnhis Tlime T0omorrow Thnis Tilme To0morrow
Tbis Tome Tlmorrow Tbhis Toime Tlomorrow Thbis Tiome Tolmorrow Tgis Tkme Timorrow Tkime Tiomorrow Thgis Tikme Toimorrow
Tyis T8me Tommorrow T8ime Toorrow Thyis Ti8me Toomrrow Thiis Tume Tojorrow Ths Tuime Tojmorrow Thsi Tiume Tomjorrow
Thjs Timme Tokorrow Tie Thijs Tiem Tomkorrow Th9s Tije Tonorrow Th9is Tonmorrow Thi9s Timje Tomnorrow
Thls Tike Tomoorrow Thlis Tomrrow Thils Timke Tomrorow Thos Tine Tomkrrow Thois Tinme Thios Timne Tomokrrow
Thks Timee Tom9rrow Thkis Tim Tom9orrow Thiks Time Tomo9rrow Th8s Tims Tom0rrow Th8is Timse Tom0orrow Thi8s Times Tomo0rrow
Thus Tim3 Tomlrrow Tim3e Tomlorrow Thius Time3 Tomolrrow Thiss Timf Tomirrow Thi Timfe Tomiorrow This Timef Tomoirrow
Thiz Timr Tomorrrow Thizs Timre Tomorow Thisz Timer Tomorrow

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